Thank You My Friends




I've said a lot of my peace on the Guardian Server FB page after the announcement, so I won't say it here. But I did want to say thanks to everybody that I teamed with, everybody I had fun with and everybody who had fun with me.

I don't know if I'll be on on the 30th of November. I intend, of course, to let NCSoft know that their decision was a terrible one. But just in case I don't make it, I would like to have one last fun. Some of my first memories of this game involved Nemesis and the ITF. So, to (possibly) close out my time with CoH, I'd like to run an ITF. Saturday, November 10th at 8:30pm Central Time. Anybody and anything welcome. Not sure what I'll bring. But I'd like to go out killing Rommie.

Thank you, everybody, for the 4 years of fun.

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.