Part_Troll waves goodbye.

Ad Astra



Way back in 2004, I tried to communicate to the COH masses about -stuff-. That didn't go down too well. Eventually, the editorial policy on this forum drove me away; it became a read-only place. Way too many clowns with short choppy sentences as their tool of choice, and so very few people who were salient.

I paid for each and every upgrade to CoH. It has been my most valued game. It wrecked my shoulder (well, the stupid way I played, wrecked my shoulder), and I had to take 5 months off in 2005, but I was back in 2006, and played pretty constantly.

I saw much which I considered 'wrong', mostly along the lines of stratification; if you weren't in a clique, you were out of the running for lots of stuff, it just seemed wrong to me, I wailed about it, and was shouted down. <shrug>, the 'community' spoke, and they liked things as they were just fine, and the NCSOFT hounds moderating the forums were always ready to trim threads with any kind of ruckus; commenting more just made it worse, it was easier to stop.

Am I sad that CoH has been canned? Yes. Absolutely. CoH did so many things -right-.

The direct result of this abysmal situation, is me signing off from NCSOFT -forever-. I have a long memory, and this company has shafted a lot of friends with their business decision to shut down the game. It also hurt that I spent $$$'s in various Slots (maxed out Salvage, Recipe and other storage means), and that was just money thrown away in the end.

Anyhow, it's over and done with. I don't regret much from my many happy years of playing this game. The forum -- overmoderated tripe.

Oh, the one thing that really got my goat was Surprise Maintenance bouts, and the non-negotiable timeframe, right in the middle of Aussie Prime Time, grrr.

This too shall pass.

Vale COH.

Part Troll.


Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



I've always found your posts about your idiot team mates entertaining. It's a unfortunate that you got so much flak for your outspokenness.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I also enjoyed your posts - I always read them for their frustrated exasperation expressed so eloquently.

Take care!

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Part_Troll View Post
Way back in 2004, I tried to communicate to the COH masses about -stuff-. That didn't go down too well. Eventually, the editorial policy on this forum drove me away; it became a read-only place. Way too many clowns with short choppy sentences as their tool of choice, and so very few people who were salient.

I paid for each and every upgrade to CoH. It has been my most valued game. It wrecked my shoulder (well, the stupid way I played, wrecked my shoulder), and I had to take 5 months off in 2005, but I was back in 2006, and played pretty constantly.

I saw much which I considered 'wrong', mostly along the lines of stratification; if you weren't in a clique, you were out of the running for lots of stuff, it just seemed wrong to me, I wailed about it, and was shouted down. <shrug>, the 'community' spoke, and they liked things as they were just fine, and the NCSOFT hounds moderating the forums were always ready to trim threads with any kind of ruckus; commenting more just made it worse, it was easier to stop.

Am I sad that CoH has been canned? Yes. Absolutely. CoH did so many things -right-.

The direct result of this abysmal situation, is me signing off from NCSOFT -forever-. I have a long memory, and this company has shafted a lot of friends with their business decision to shut down the game. It also hurt that I spent $$$'s in various Slots (maxed out Salvage, Recipe and other storage means), and that was just money thrown away in the end.

Anyhow, it's over and done with. I don't regret much from my many happy years of playing this game. The forum -- overmoderated tripe.

Oh, the one thing that really got my goat was Surprise Maintenance bouts, and the non-negotiable timeframe, right in the middle of Aussie Prime Time, grrr.

This too shall pass.

Vale COH.

Part Troll.
You were the cow-orker guy, right? I remember your posts fondly.



This is really doom.