I miss my server. =(
Yes, that is where I came from too: Need SoW?
I bit the bullet and switched to a Station Pass from SOE (my first MMORPG was EverCrack). Oddly enough, the most fun and helpful people I have found on any of those games was on EQ 1 (I am playing EQ1, EQ2, DCUO).

EQ1 was great, EQ2 was okay and DCUO... Let me just say I have a lifetime membership there but I revomed the game.
"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"

It's hard for me to even log in right now. With the end in sight I just cannot force myself to try and advance anywhere. I bit the bullet and switched to a Station Pass from SOE (my first MMORPG was EverCrack). Oddly enough, the most fun and helpful people I have found on any of those games was on EQ 1 (I am playing EQ1, EQ2, DCUO). Still, nothing compares to the core players on Liberty server.
I hope everyone finds an enjoyable alternative. If anyone cares to find me, send me a PM and I'll shoot my email addy to you.
Primaries: Doctor Roboto - 50(+3) MM (BOT/FF/MU)
Johnny Liberty - 50(+3) Tank (EM/INV/EM)
Lvl 50 Archetypes: MM, TNK, BRT, SCR, PB, CNT, DOM
Still working on: NONE! NCSoft won't let me. =(