The Academy for Superpowered Youth




I feel it strange to come at this time, but it's a situation born of concern over two places. I had considered placing this elsewhere, but it's addressed rather specifically to forum RP people, so there seems to be no more logical place then here.

I RP as part of an RP forum themed on superheros at an academy for meta students around high school and generally mid to late teen years called The Academy for Superpowered Youth. We tend to call it ACAD for short.

We started as a group during the development of Champions as players from previous games and RP, notably many of us having played CoH, but broke away from that game close to it's release as we did not think it's development was going well. Many of use returned to CoH, but we stayed a generally independent and isolated group with no real advertising of our presence.

Right now we are at a bit of a low point. Due to life in general, many of our regulars and forum heads tend to be away with school and new jobs. The site is honestly largely run by one person at the moment and he's kinda overworked.

Some of us at the site are hoping to remedy that by attempting to be vocal. We need new people to contribute to the site. Most notably people that are willing and capable of being an active participant in RP.
Would also very much appreciate the more determined folk who would be willing to host RPs on the site. I personally am already far outside my comfort zone writing and posting this. It feels like an imposition on you all and kinda makes me feel bad for making it.

That aside though. I would say please give us fair consideration and visit our pages. There is much we can work on and it would be wonderful if we could grow as an independent superhero RP with your assistance.

It may be a bit sad to think about, but fair noting we may also offer ourselves as an alternative location for when CoH finally closes. It's depressing when fun things end, but with this offer you can assist us as we can also assist you by giving you a fresh forum to continue your super powered adventures in.

For a poke about our sites we have a forum and a wiki currently. Please give them a look and I hope you see us fit to join.

ACAD Forum




This is a comment from another member of ACAD that requested I post his comment here.

"The Academy for Super Powered Youth

Yeah, city of heroes is closing down, I know you've all heard rumors yeah they’re true, so as a result lots of you are probably looking for a place to put up your superheroes, right?

Well we might have a solution, you see, the academy for super powered youth is now recruiting. What is the Academy, you ask? I’m glad you asked mister hypothetical person! The academy is a long running forum based rp group, built around the lives (action packed or otherwise) of young students, attending an academy for super powered youth (no false advertising here dear sirs and madams).
The academy has been a supergroup in both champions, and city of heroes, but also offers, away from mmo superhero interaction for anyone willing to join.

Keep in mind it’s a pretty big responsibility, rp’s depend on your continued participation and commitment. Those being said, if you want fairly developed lore, characters and interactions, take a look at the link below.


Or if you want a look at the academy’s lore and characters beforehand, take a look at this one first."

He's not always the most tactful, but he has learned quite a lot and is a fun and contributing member of our group though, more so than I am.

We have spent much time over the last few years creating context for our RP and the universe in which it exists. Especially so the one that has run the forum for these past couple of years, he has contributed greatly by designing a unique system to drive our character designs as well as added much of the history of what we have himself.

He does not seem to have much to say on the matter of picking up new people, I know I'm not overly proficient at carrying people through a thread, so our introductory RP's may be wobbly.

But I ask again that you please give us a look and serious consideration. Thank you for your time and sorry to bother you.