Are any of the FRAD superteamers still around and willing to run together one more time?




A few years ago, several rounds of fire/radiation controllers, which we referred to as FRADS, were run and plenty of level 50's resulted from that (

Occasionally, we reformed to take on new and bigger challenges, such as the STF time challenge (won by a team of 6 frads and a fire/ff controller, 8th spot was a judge ( ), the PVP blowout in RV (where we stomped everyone that showed up ( ), and even a race to see how fast we could run the longest TF in the game at the time, Dr Q (about 2 hours, 30 minutes if I can find the screenshot).

I don't know if there were other reunions in the past couple of years, as I wasn't playing CoX much, but it would be fun to have at least one more round if anyone is still around. 24 imps, stacked radiation, stacked leadership pools, etc.

So, are you still around and would you want to run one of the newer trials? I would have thought multiple frad teams on any of the incarnate trials would have steamrolled them all.

My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge

(622 Badges on my badge-guy)

number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3