Looking back




How long has it been since the announcement? Three weeks? And I'm still feeling down. It doesn't help that the closure came right off the heels of a family funeral.

I've been a very sporadic player the last few years, but still the closure stings. CoH was the kind of MMO I thought would be around 'forever', with a small and dedicated dev team and a small and loyal community. I thought I'd always be able to come back to it for a month or two, no matter how long I'd been gone. That illusion shattered pretty abruptly.

Then there are the memories. I started playing on the EU servers not long after they opened in 2005. Back then I was a more active player, by playing more often and actually acccepting team invites, something I've strangely hesitated to do lately when I've played. When I accepted a supergroup invite for the first time, it felt like a big milestone because it strenghtened my bond with the game and its players. I started getting more active on the forums too, and another milestone came when I opened up about my introvertedness and my slight fear of contacting others in game. That thread ended up filled with advice and understanding and it helped me both in-game and in RL. After a while people slowly drifted away from the game and after the forum consolidation things had changed. My biggest regret here is that I didn't manage to stay in touch and just let myself drift away from everyone without making an effort. Now I'm kinda back where I started...

I haven't been able to log in and play much lately. It seems so pointless now that the game is closing. I wish I had the motivation and drive to join all the events the community is running now, because I really do want the game to keep running.

To TonyV and everyone else who are rallying for the survival of CoH: I may not have the drive you have, but I see the value in what you do and I appreciate it.

To whoever may still remember me from CoHEU: Thank you for the good times we had together.

To the devs: Thank you for making an unique MMO which kept me interested for so long, and for continuing to support it.

@Moonshade - too many to list anymore