A couple of special things for you all...




When I told my boyfriend, Gamer-Z, about the closure of City of Heroes, he decided to help me in one of the few ways he knows how.

He coded up a couple of very awesome, very interesting things.

Firstly, let me say this. The URL might look misleading, but it is the appspot domain he uses. I know, I know, trollwheel isn't the most trustworthy domain... Just trust me on this, please.

Firstly, and most relevantly, is http://trollwheel.appspot.com/coh
This delightful and very sentimental page displays the recent tweets and G+ posts with the hashtags #CoH, #CityOfHeroes, and #SaveCoH. I found it simple and amazing. I highly recommend you all take a look. When I first saw what he had made us, it brought actual tears to my eyes.

Secondly, and more awesomely, is something I've wanted for a while.

It's a Mot <--> English translator. It even adds the bright red coloring to the text.

Seriously, go check it out at http://trollwheel.appspot.com/translate/mot

I owe a lot to Gamer_Z. Although he didn't play City of Heroes, he joined last week to help out at the rally and make things easier for me. I think he's enjoying it, too... but don't hold me to that. Still, if you see an Elec/Elec brute on Virtue named Gamer-Z, please tell him how awesome he is. He deserves it.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



I was more impressed with the first link, but I admit the Mot translator is kind of hilarious. Seeing Mot saying "I like fluffy kittens." after doing all of the DA arcs is kind of awesome.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.