Thank you for the fun and memories CoH




Its been a long time but recent events have caused me to come up on the forums.
Haven't posted in years, if at all. I saw a news article stating that City of Heroes was going down on a gaming news site, so I came back to the forums to post.

I've spent many years on City of Heroes, starting from launch. Met great people in game and in real life because of it. I have very fond memories of this game and the people whom i've played with.

I'm not sure when the forums will go down or when the game will go down, but I figured I'd get (try) my say in here before the end.

Good luck to everyone on City of Heroes. Thanks for the game and thanks for how much meaning it gives to people like me.

Farewell and I hope in the future, if it is still possible, to be able to play City of Heroes.

Friends, being a good guy, good conversations, this game makes it all possible.

Goodbye CoH. I'll miss you.

- Lord U
The Avant Guards
Liberty Server