Goodbye and thanks for all the fish




I posted to quite a few threads, but I figured it would be nice to create a farewell thread and finally tell a little more about how I came to play CoH (and not just say that I don't play much any more).

I worked at a great company called AIseek (I was the first employee after the founders). What was great about it (one of the things anyway) was that it insisted that we play MMO's (and other games) and paid for it (and for a box of parentheses I use to this day). We were working on AI hardware acceleration, and it was obvious to us that MMO's could use this, so we played them to understand them better. We even talked to NCsoft at one point about trying to put this into its games, and learned how City of Heroes implemented path finding. Unfortunately we never managed to release the product and the recession of 2008 pretty much killed the company and any chance of it being bought (there were a few interested parties before that).

So AIseek introduced me to City of Heroes, and I liked it so much that even though I had a game account paid by the company I bought both CoH and CoV Collector's DVD Editions and paid for a second account for a while. That's this account. (I'm Minibromian on the ex-company account.)

I will not go into the story of the downward spiral that led me to not play the game much (though I blame it on the kids, those cute attention grabbing time wasters), but I still kept in touch with the game and played occasionally. I kept hoping that one day I'll have more time to play and would get back to it, but it looks like that won't happen.

Even though I'm not as dedicated as many of the posted on this forum, City of Heroes was still the game I played most and on which I spent the most money. It struck all the right chords for me when I started playing it, and it saw a large number of improvements over the years. Looking at Dr. Aeon's videos for Issue 24 I can see that it was set to improve even more, and it's a real pity that won't happen.

I want to thank the devs and every nice person I encountered in the game (which was the vast majority of them) for all the fun time I had playing it.