A Thank You to the Community

Frost Warden



While the forums are still active and actively read, I wanted to make sure to give my appreciations to all of our community, but to also single out some who really went above and beyond.

1. All the Beta testers. I know that new issues ran a lot more smoothly when they had been properly Beta tested by you. You all sacrificed your regular game time to make it a better game experience for us, and I, for one, appreciate it.

2. Tony V, Agge, and the rest over at Titan. You made great tools and an indispensable Wiki for the community to use. Thank you all.

3. Beefcake, Blondeshell, and the rest over at Badge-Hunter/Vidiotmaps. Thank you for enabling my collection obsession. Seriously, I enjoy collecting, and the maps and badge tracking were very helpful.

4. Snow Globe and all others who were avid badgers. Snow always came out with info on the newest obtainable badges, and what was needed to be done. I know that it was a group effort for them, and I want to acknowledge that my thanks are to you all. It made the collecting get done faster, so I could get to the enjoyment sooner.

5. All the MA architects. Thanks for taking your time to make enjoyable, dramatic, and often hilarious stories to expand City.

6. All the Raid leaders. Sometimes raids seemed more like herding kindergarteners through a glass shop, but I will always appreciate those who took the lead and ran successful and not-so-successful raids.

7. Taxibots. Back in the earlier days on Infinity, you were out there, making a difference in the careers of new heroes. Good, unselfish acts that strengthened the community: what a hero is all about.

8. All those who wrote Player Guides. It takes a good amount of effort to perfect your character; it takes even more to write a good summary to help others with those characters. Thanks for that effort.

9. Dark Respite and all those who created multimedia for City. Thanks for taking your talents and sharing it with us, making an enjoyable and sometimes superior product.

I wish that I could think of all the players who made a difference in my enjoyment of the game, but, alas, time has made swiss cheese of my memory, and this is what I can think of now. Please know, this is not a definite list; there are so many of you that have had a positive effect on me. Thank you all.

Feel free to express your own thanks to your colleagues here; maybe it will stir memories for me.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.