Larryn the Librarian's Farewell Tour




Hi all,

The way I'm looking at the situation is that the Paragon Universe isn't going anywhere. What we are losing is the interdimensional rift or mystical portal or telepathic link that enables us to explore and experience the City, the Isles and Praetoria through the actions of those worlds' greatest heroes and villains. When the lights go out, Grey Scribe, Techdragon, Necrostorm, Noosphere-R2, Mistress Sweetness, Granny Menagerie and all the rest will still be out there, fighting the good (or not so good) fight. In light of this, I will continue playing them as normal right up to the end.

Who knows, if we are really lucky the aetheric currents might align themselves in such a way that at some future date we could return to the Paragon Universe, or something much like it but even better.

But before the end, I did have one idea that I thought I'd share with you. I've created an avatar as close to myself as possible in the character creator. Meet Larryn the Librarian:

(I can't use my real surname because it is a four-letter word! But I do work in a Library.)

Larryn is my official 'farewell toon'. He (and probably blueside and praetorian clones on different servers) will be wandering around saying goodbye to some of my favourite locations in CoX. He's not officially a hero or a villain, just a visitor paying his respects to a world that will continue to inspire him for years to come.