Thoughts of a relative newbie here




Hi all! I just started playing about a month ago, and, well, I'm very sad about CoH going away. I was eager to pay my VIP fees when my first paycheck since May comes in in about three weeks (and I genuinely cannot afford to do it till then), and I was so eager to explore this fantastic new (to me) world.

I will still enjoy it as I can as long as I can.

I am hoping very much that somehow either CoH survives, or that the people involved in it make another similar game. I can't play any of the other super-hero games I know of since I am on a Mac, and the Champions, DC and Marvel games are not compatible. (Erm, excluding Marvel's children's game Super Hero Squad...) Indeed, I couldn't even play CoH for a long time till I got an upgrade from a kind computer whiz friend of mine.

I'm on World of Warcraft as Kumakun (Alliance) and Mahosan (Horde) on the Kul Tiras server (but can't play that till about 3 weeks from now either for the same financial reasons), and that may be the only MMO anyone can find me once CoH goes down. Here on CoH I have one character on Guardian and one on Virtue -- a hero named Thunderbeard and a villain named Midnight Minion.

And, oh, the plans I had for characters! The sentai-Justice League analogy (Justirangers Red (speed), Black (ninja/weapons), Blue (strength), Green (energy), Gold/Yellow (mental)). The Wizard of Oz-themed characters (Gale, with cyclone powers! and so on). Argh, so many things I wanted to play with!

Whatever I can do (which is, heh, not much right now), I would love to do. If there is some super-hero game everyone decides to switch to I will come if I can, but as I say, at least right now, nothing else is Mac-compatible.

Am I the only one who feels a strange deja vu and remembers Crisis on Infinite Earths? Except so far we don't have a way to save the universe. Still, some sort of grand finale in which everyone could live happily ever after ("and then hunger and famine were cured, wars were averted, and the heroes and villains made peace to build a better world. The End!") even if the game went "off the air" would be cool.

Anyway... it's been great so far, and if we only have 3 more months, I'll make the best of it, and hope for some sort of continuation or even a new game.

(If there IS a new game, then perhaps picking up after this one--like the "five years later" Legion or the "One Year Later" DCU, only without making the world a grim apocalypse--would be great. Especially if the copyright issues for some of the big names or character groups change, but if, say, Paragon City and the Rogue Isles and Praetoria aren't able to come along, we could say that some big Crisis-like event destroyed those areas but the people were all evacuated and saved, and now the two or more big hubs are some new cities.)



This post is a perfect example of why shutting CoH was just the most ridiculous move. Here we have a player who has come to us from "The Juggernaught". He's played it (CoH), loved it, and already has a head full of ideas from the wonderful imagination canvas that the game provides.

NCSoft, you are quite clearly mad. Honestly, get help; you're a danger to yourselves.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"