Hate to see you go...




"cliche" This seems silly but i've been pretty bummed since the news came out of City of Hereos closing it's doors. Such a wonderful mmo to have played. A huge thumbs up for the wide-range of customization devs put in here no other game I've played has caught my eye quiet as much as this one has. It's been great, just wish it wouldn't come to and end.

If it wasn't for City of Heroes, I would have never met the wonderful people on Liberty, Justice or the Guardian Server.

The terrific members of Ghost Legion/Shadowwraiths and all thier coalitions, Bile Buddies, Philly Freedom Fighters, Drunk Canadians, Mildly Heroic Evil Doers of Paragon,Sisterhood, and so many more..

P.E.R.C THANK YOU! for letting me be a City Rep many years ago that exsperience was simply the BEST of them all. Working with all of you was generally full of wonderful laughs and LOADS of planning and debates :P

PvPec Thank you! for letting me be part of you as well, it widend my eyes on the whole Player vs Player deal and simply made it fun!

JusticeRadio Thank you! for labeling me DJ Dazzler and giving me the chance it was a Great pleasure working with you and and creating long lasting friendships that have lasted for many years.

It's been a blast tout la monde! So even if COH is no more know that periodically I will think of you all while i'm enjoying my memories.

Darklite aka Dazz :P love ya's! Keep in touch!

My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite