Goodbye, Hope, and a Letter of Reference




After I calmed down a bit, I thought I'd give voice to some of my thoughts.

I hope a miracle happens and that CoH lives.

I hope that I can stay in touch with all the wonderful friends I've made in game, even if it doesn't.

I hope that NCSoft (and/or Cryptic) can make the extremely unlikely legal hops happen to release the source code to the game or its servers so that its players can continue to be heroes.

That said, I've heard several different lines of hope for the game and its developers, but my personal experience is that being laid off is freakin' hard.

Even if, by some miracle, CoH was picked up by an angel investor who wanted to buy the game outright and keep the servers and development running, a lot of you guys who got laid off wouldn't want to come back.

I know that feel. I've so been there. It's one of the worst things you can feel. 'Well, crap. How do I feed my family next month? How could they do this to me?'

Devs, Artists, IT guys, please know that I hurt for you. I'm praying for you and thinking about you. I want you to all land on your feet as quickly as possible. If it helps, please include the following in your letters of reference or resumes:

Dear Potential Hirer of $FORMERCOHDEV

If you're reading this, it means you're considering hiring $FORMERCOHDEV. As a former player of the City of Heroes MMOG, please let me assure you that you will not regret hiring this person. Their work on City of Heroes made the game an astounding, enjoyable experience for me and my family.

Until NCSoft made what was no doubt the difficult decision to sunset City of Heroes, I was a loyal customer. I would have remained so if the game were to continue on. Sadly, that is not the case.

What made the City of Heroes experience different than any other game I've ever played is that the developers, artists, and staffers genuinely listened to player requests and implemented them as features whenever they could. They *worked* to make their customers happy.

If you hire $FORMERCOHDEV, that means you have a chance to earn me as a customer for your products. They do good work and run a class act, and I respect that. I'd respect you for hiring them.

Sincerely, @hamster, a satisfied customer.

Srsly, CoH staffers, if you'd like a 'Satisfied Customer' letter of reference, please PM me with contact info, and I'll send you a real letter.