My feelings




Hello friends,

This is yet another topic lamenting what has been announced yesterday. I know there are many topics like these around but I feel like I should share my CoX experience with you. I just recently made a topic about how great the CoX community was and I am sure I will hardly ever find a mmorpg community this great again.

My hero career started back in 2005, Issue 5 had just launched and I was homeless (mmorpg wise) since Ultima Online, back at the time I ran a shard with a friend and we slowly moved to City of Heroes. Since I had no way to purchase the game since I'm from Brazil and there was nowhere to acquire it, one of these friends got me an account and I happily renewed it for the next couple of years. I was just 16/17 years old at the time, had a complicated life and a lot of family problems, I would rather live in CoX than real life.

Reading through most story arcs, letting my imagination lead the way, playing until 5-6am right before I had to get ready to go to the school, making up stories in my head for every alt I worked on, carefully working on their costume, names and powersets and even roleplaying a little with my bad english. This was not just a MMORPG, City of Heroes became part of me, something greater and magical, I had fun soloing, teaming up, PvPing, I had fun spending over an hour on the character creation process just for ideas.

This got me to a point where I no longer could live without logging for a few hours in City of Heroes and when I had to be away for a while, wow, it was hard! I know it's not healthy in anyways, but I loved it very much! I remember I even carried some CoX soundtracks and trailers on my nokia 6255.

Initially my home was Pinnacle, which soon got somewhat empty between 2008-2010 when CoX had probably the most difficult period around Issue 13 when we lost a lot of players with the PvP crowd being unhappy at the time. I moved away to Virtue with a bunch of friends and made well... nearly 100 alts.

City of Heroes has not always been a happy and colorful place, with school and many friends quitting or moving to WoW I slowly had to put CoX away since I was mostly alone and there was hardly anything to do at the time, the game population was really low and I didn't have time to play an MMO. Meanwhile I've tried WoW, Aion, Champions Online, Tera, Lineage II... For some reason it was just somewhat depressing, I could no longer meet new people and make friends, most of these games felt more like a trolling nest than anything. Not to say I didn't have fun with them, but it wasn't comparable to City of Heroes light and casual nature, something that makes you relax peacefully while having fun.

Right before last Christmas I came back with a friend, it was a blast! I've spent over U$70 plus VIP subscription since then and CoX became again my new favorite game. And I have seen many people do the same, I doubt CoX has ever been more successful than now which makes me not accept the fact it'll shut down in november.

Thank you Paragon Studios and the previous developers for making such a great game, this was a shock. Sorry but I'll hold a rant for NCSoft on this one.

I am 24 years old, married, got 1-1/2 year old daughter, run my own company and I love City of Heroes.

Black Heart
Lord Diabo
Sinful Minx

and many others...

50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker

Pinnacle | Virtue

@Black Heart