Emailing corprate




I personally have emailed NCsoft Corporate to complain about these events that have racked the CoH community, thought i doubt it'll do any good, I ask that every one take a few minuets to do the same.

I understand the reasoning why when looking at the quarterly reports, but i would just like to say that NCsofts sales have barely changed as a company, where as their costs have sky rocketed exponentially, this does not sound to me like a failing on CoH's part but one by those in charge of the company

Regardless of whether or not you agree with my analysis for the report, i ask that the community stand up for the game we love. I for one will not allow NC to crush yet another wonderful game, and here by are boycotting NC until such time that proper measures are taken to ensure this titles continued existence, be it under them or a new company.

If you think im stupid, or foolish that is your decision, but this is what i believe and i feel the need to share it.