Thank You All
Im Glad to have known u NG and NG's Son, Im proud to call u both a friend, if u have a facebook please feel free to add me on facebook, My link is below, I'll Miss u NG & NG's Son.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
NG and Son, it was a true Honor....

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
It was 7 years ago when my 9 year old son asked me to buy him a computer game called COH. I had no idea what it was. My experience in gaming was limited to Atari pong way back in the day. I bought him the game and helped him install it. I watched him make his costume and start playing around. I have to admit it looked fun. When he wasn't home I would log on and mess around, mostly running around the Hollows. It wasn't long before I purchased a new computer so we could play together. And play together we did. With our 2 computers only a few feet apart we spent a ton of time together, first in pve, then in pvp. Well, my 9 year old son is now 16 and got his drivers license just yesterday, but we never stopped playing together sitting only a few feet apart.
As with everyone else this news was a tough pill to swallow. I still havent told my son yet. Without getting dramatic I want to thank everyone on the Champion server for the fun ride. I also want to thank those that have played with and had patience with my son. When he got his 1st pvp kill at age 9 and someone started badmouthing him in broadcast, I had to ask them to please stop, my son was only 9 but people didnt believe me. When an SG leader and one of the best players on Champion (she knows who she is) invited my son to her SG, she couldnt believe he was only 12 years old. For a quiet shy kid in r/l, I think the game helped him come out of that shell, as maybe it did for a lot of us.
Having little creativity I named my 1st toon Newguy. When I ran out of Newguy (insert)names, I started naming new toons NG for short. To this day every single toon I have on 4 accounts is named either Newguy or NG.. and with only a few exceptions, every toon l have has the same exact costume. When I have been asked over the years why I do that my answer is simple..I want old friends who leave the game and come back to be able to find me easily.
My wife could never understand our fascination with COH. "How could I be hysterically laughing at a computer game" she would say. For those who do not play the game I understand their confusion as to how this game over 7 years becomes a part of your life. Equally, she can't understand how upset we all are that the game is ending. "It's just a computer game after all" but we all know it's much more than that.
Some random thank you's in no particular order except for one..his global is @NiceBuffs, his real name is Thor, but to me he will always be Angel. I met him on his female fire/energy blaster and even thought I sometimes speak to him in r/l, he will always be the name of that toon I met him on, Angel. He hasnt played the game much lately but man did we play every day together for years and had a blast. To Ogre and Mrs. Ogre (MO), you are great people and I hope to stay in touch. To HVND man we had fun back in the day before incarnates and pvp IO's. Those PvPer's that have been on recently take care buddies..Jimmy, Cajun, Pyric, Volund, Incursion, Ras, 4shes. To Lamp, a funny and great guy that teaches children to be better citizens. Droe keep it real brother. MAH, Scotty, Artic, Bud..thank you for taking my son under your PvP wings and helping him do what he loves most in game. Most recently, Amy, Cobalt, Jits, and Horus. I dont remember laughing so much as I do with you guys. You have all been helpful to both my son and myself and I truly appreciate it.
Good luck and good health to everyone. I hope our paths continue to cross, Newguy & Son.