One Last Realistic Jesture: Unlock all toons!




Ok, so for all of us pseudo-creative types the one thing that's probably going to kill us the most is the passing of our toons/bases/etc. Not because of all the effort and related money, but because of the love we put into them. If you know me IRL (which is probably less than 5 of you), then you know that for certain reasons I Don't use the L word unless I absolutely mean it. Hell, I don't even respond in kind to the half-hearted "Love You" at the end of a phone call because I feel that it cheapens the meaning.

NeWay, I was pondering over the many things I would miss the most and it was hands down my toons and my adopted bases. I have babes that have yet to grow up to be adults, rooms that have yet to be fine tuned, and stories that have yet to be written (litterally). While it's true that I'll have the Faces archive (as long as they can afford to keep it running) and my Toon folders on my HDD, it's not going to be the same.

What's worse is that since I've dropped to Preem and now have no way to even emergency Sub (locked market), I now have atleast a dozen toons that are locked away forever. I've likened it to being the parent of children that are being taken to the consentration camps. Helpless and without any power to ensure a proper burial.

To one without Altitis this may sound silly and honestly it is in a way, but it's something that I was always drawn back to. I stopped playing for nearly 3 years in total over several 'game retirement' periods, but always got pulled back. Not because just because it was a game I liked, hell I've spent most the year pruning bases, raising new toons, sending old toons back into spring training, etc!

A dying person always gets one last request. I have dozens of dying toons on two accounts (if you don't count the dozens of dozens of padder alts on temps). There are likely a couple million toons in the same boat. Please unlock all existing toons. I'm not asking for server tokens or a full global VIP upgrade. Just the toons.

*If it's not a bother, keeping the lights on in the base would be cool too. O