To The Art Team, Past and Present,




Sexy Jay, Dink, Honey Badger, Tunnel Rat, Noble Savage and many others whom I never knew by name, far and away, it was your collective effort that really drew me into the game and kept me coming back for more time and again.

Yes, the game has and will have had many cool, robust and interesting elements, but it was the aesthetics: the costume parts, the animations, the power and aura fx that really got my mind whirling and my creative juices flowing. It's been great playing for years with all the toys you brought to my little sandbox. Your creations enabled my creations. And for that I thank you. Deeply.

So though I may at time over the years been particular and critical and demanding, know that from the bottom of my heart I've always been on big fan of what all of you have collectively produced. I hope you all land on your feet and thrive in whatever comes next. You all deserve it!

(That goes for all the devs of course. But just wanted to shout out to the art crew in particular here!)