Goodbye, So Long, Fare Thee Well - Part Two




Some of you may remember me from the dark ages, before Freedom, before Incarnates, before Going Rogue. Three years ago almost to the day, I made a really emotional post to all of you: my second family. It was entitled Goodbye, So Long, Fare Thee Well, but it was never intended to be any of those things. It was just supposed to be a "see you later" - a thank-you to the people who had helped me grow so much so quickly. Well, recent events (read: doom, no joke) have compelled me to write a sequel.

Y'all may not know this, but y'all helped raise me. I joined the game at its very beginning, when I was a very young, very stupid 13 year old kid. I did not attend school, since Texas public education sucks and we had no money for a private school. But I still got an education. I learned many of my basic math skills crunching numbers on this game. The ability to analyze data, to conduct my own experiments, and to see past the numbers and glean a deeper meaning behind them was invaluable to what I do now. Using these models and experiments, I learned how to argue and present technical proposals primarily on this board, which is something I need to do for the next two years in school, and will be doing for the rest of my life. I grew my very own political philosophy and outlook on life because of a few people whom I mentioned in Part One.

That very young, very stupid 13 year old is now a very young, very stupid 21 year old at a good college, doing a degree in aerospace engineering based on the experiences he learned in a game over half a decade - with you.

I just came back a couple weeks ago. I barely had time to play through the Dark Astoria content and level a heroic elec/regen brute. I got to play the STF (now it's the MLTF, I believe) one last time. I was playing through a beam/time corr and imagining sizzled body parts flying through the air. I don't really believe in bad omens, but if there were such things, I guess I am one? If so, well, sorry!

I met good friends here, and I had a blast. I enjoyed my brief return thoroughly. I'm not sure if I'll play more or not. It seems rather like reading a book series when you know the author died before completing it. But I'm more sad because I won't have a chance to really return, to make new friends and reconnect with old ones, to infuriate new red names, to enjoy the company of you folks - strangers, really, but such glorious and dear strangers you all are.

May you all lead wonderful lives. I want you to know that I'm eternally grateful to have met you and conversed with you. Farewell.

Or perhaps just see ya later? Angry_Citizen has become my moniker online, and I'm on several other forums. I may also check out other games, likely Star Wars or Warcraft. If you see my name on another forum with the Sauron's Eye avatar, it's me, likely pissing people off just as much. Say hey sometime and we'll talk about bygone days when we killed hordes of spider-men, saved entire universes, and fought giants.



This is really doom.



Now I can't get that song out of my head.



Didn't know there was a song :P



This is really doom.