A flier left up on the student announcements board of the Paragon University at Salamanca Campus




A flier left up on the student announcements board of the Paragon University at Salamanca Campus.

The Salamanca Amateur Detective Club, established 2012 Salamanca, RI.

“Suos cultores scientia coronat”

Are you a student at Paragon University's Salamanca campus?

Do you have an interest in matters of criminology, mysticism, and Lovecraftian lore?

Do you like working with others in attempts to answer the seemingly unexplainable?

Do you enjoy Victorian era detective LARPing? (Not required, just curious.)

If so, please feel free to get in touch with Mortis Thorn at,

My cell, 401-777-6543

Or leave a message for me at the O.T.N. House,
780 W. New Connaught Ct
Salamanca, RI 02882

We are always looking for like minded peers to have fun with as we share the challenges of confronting the mysteries of the supernatural.

OOC info: The Salamanca Amateur Detective Club is a new Blueside/Hero RPSG on Virtue. The SG's concept centers on magic origin characters attending the Salamanca campus of Paragon University in Croatoa, and dabbling in the investigation of supernatural forces.

Feel free to reach me at @Dethos Zahrim, if interested.