Resistance debuff and resistance caps question

Come Undone



If a character has a calculated resistance value above the cap for thier AT and is then hit by a resistance debuff, is the effective value the cap minus the debuff or the calculated value minus the debuff?

For example:

Assume an electric/* tank with 90% resistance cap. At level 50 and using 3 level 50 SO resistance enhancements in each, Charged Armor (54.6%), Conductive Shield (54.6%), and Grounded (19.5%), the tank will have a total of 128.7% energy resistance, reduced to 90% by the cap.

If this tank is hit by a -20% unresistatable resistance debuff, what will his effective resistance be?
Either 90%-20%=70% or 128.7%-20%=108.7%, reduced to 90% by the cap.

I say unresistable because as I understand it, some resistance debuffs are resisted by an amount equal to the undebuffed resistance... ie. that 20% debuff from a resistable power would be only a 2% debuff effectively. (90% of the 20% is resisted). If this is not correct, please explain that as well.



The cap is applied last, AFAIK. It doesn't add up the buffs, cap your resist (or other relevant attribute), then add debuffs. It adds up all effects on you, whether buff or debuff, then caps the attribute if necessary.



An unresistable debuff would apply the full 20%, bringing you down to 108.7%, capped at 90% A normal 20% debuff would be reduced by 90%, reducing your resistance to 126.7%, capped at 90%. Few things have unresistable resistance debuffs, though they aren't unheard of.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



Thank you two. That answered the question nicely.