Eliminating a circular dependency...




I'm on the fourth chapter of my arc and I am trying to do the following:

1. Rescue A. (A is an AV)
2. Once you rescue A, B is activated. (B is an object)
3. Escort A to B.
4. Interact with B.
5. A betrays and attacks party.

Unfortunately, I've tried everything I can think of to eliminate this issue, but, the only thing that works is to move the Escort destination to anything other than Obj. B.

Anyone have any ideas? My workaround is to set the destination in the AE to the entrance, but, the description says to take A to B in the navigation window. Not really happy with this though.

Thanks in advance,




Originally Posted by Evangeline_Blue View Post
1. Rescue A. (A is an AV)
2. Once you rescue A, B is activated. (B is an object)
3. Escort A to B.
4. Interact with B.
5. A betrays and attacks party.
I'm just getting in to making missions and I have that happen a lot >.<;;

See if this works:
Set A so it's at the front of the map and B is somewhere in the middle or back (works best on a longer map).

Have B set to be available from the start of the mission. Since it's further back on the map, they should run in to A before B. Unfortunately this means someone could go directly to B and activate it before A is rescued...

Then go with the escorting and betraying.



Thanks! I'll try that! Much obliged!




I am pretty sure Escorts do not betray any more once they reached their location.
Because I ran into that when trying something like that...

I think that once the Escort objective (and at least some other objectives too) is 'completed', it is not looked at again.



If you're using an Escort to Object setup, eliminate the Escort. Set the follower to attack, follow, or whatever you like, but chain the next objective (a glowie) on once you rescue him/her. The player will be looking for it by nature, especially as it's a glowie. You can have the follower then betray on completion of the glowie objective.

I do this in mission 4 of "Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City," arc 351727. Check it out.

The way it works in there is like this.

Objective 1: Rescue Manuel Pistola from the Council.
On rescue, he says something like, "I think I know where they're holding the guns we're looking for!" and the Objective lists updates.
Objective 2: Find the Confiscated Weapons.
On completion of Objective 2, Pistola betrays AND it sets up Objective 3: Find more information, which is a whiteboard glowie that ends the mission.

If Pistola is KOed before the player completes Objective 2, then it will automatically skip the betrayal and go from Objective 2 to Objective 3. You have to write the story text (intro/outro text from contact) in a way that doesn't directly reference one possibility or the other, but it works.

Hope this helps.

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