Need a hand deciding please.




Hey Everyone,

I just came back from a year break, not by choice, but you know how real life can get. Anyways, i would love to hear from people some different combos as in powerset wise. I have 5 Tankers at 50, plus 2 Brutes, 2 Scrappers for Melee. Its all i love to do. So im building more Tanks to my list, and i need some help choosing powersets. So to start off, ill let you know what i have already, but i also dont mind playing the same powerset over again because I just love them so much lol.

For Tankers : Fire/SS, Fire/Dark Melee, Ice/Ele, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Melee
For Brutes : Fire Melee/ Shield, Ele/Fire,
For Scrappers : Dark/Dark, Kat/SR

Also in progress I am leveling 3 characters, but mainly the 2. the 3rd can wait. I have a level 32 Staff/Fire Brute, and 27 a Fire/Fire Tank. Loving the Staff/Fire, great combo. As for the fire/fire tank, i have plenty of experience in the Fire Shield and Fire Melee sets, and my father owns 2 of them at 50. Which one is just unbelieveably awesome. As for the fire/fire tank, i am having a Team-Based Build, then a Farming Build for myself, mainly for influence, and tickets if i decide to hit up AE.
(( The 3rd character for some peoples interest was a Street Justice / Shield Scrapper))

Also, Lately iv had a thought to try a Dark Armor Tank, Quick recharge heal, resist and def, damage aura, maybe for a secondary, Fire or maybe SS. Or hell Dark Melee, just cuz ill need the endurance help, this is why i dont play my first 50, my dark/dark scrapper, but maybe with sets these days i should try n build him up.

Thank you all in advance, and ill be keeping a close eye on this post, hope someone can share there thoughts with me. Im open to hearing other powersets as well, maybe get an idea for another project.

@MachineSlave | Infinity Server | Deepdown Traumahounds Supergroup | Co-Founder
Tankers : Ice/Ele, Fire/SS, Fire/DM, Invul/Fire, Ele/Stone Corrupter : Arch/TA
Scrappers : DM/DA, Kat/SR Brutes : Fire/Shield, Ele/Fire(Villian)
Controllers : Fire/Kin, Ele/Rad, Earth/Cold



Inv/SS, Inv/Street Justice, Inv/Titan Weapons!

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Would a Dark/Staff Tank interest you?

Take a look at this thread below:

There are some really nice builds in there, and with Form of the Soul you'll get some recovery/regen bonuses.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Inv/SS, Inv/Street Justice, Inv/Titan Weapons!
You picked my favorites!

Invulnerability/Super Strength is your Classic tanker, Big, Bold, Beautiful - Bashing Badguys.

Invulnerability/Street Justice turns you into the hard bullet in the face of villainy. You're tough and fast and not afraid to knee them where it hurts.

Invulnerability/Titan Weapons makes you a god among mortals and your giant weapon clears a swath through the enemy.

Or, interpret them however you like, but Invulnerability makes you Very tough. Check out Call Me Awesome's guides, for some basic build strategies.

Oh, and for a Super Strength alternative, try Martial Arts - "Iron FOOT!!"

Be Well!