


I only need the farm build... if staff/regen farming is possible



..Why would you farm on a staff regen? When an ss/fa, or anything fa, would be better?



Agreed, it would be very slow going with those sets. They are fun sets but are best at single target damage not taking down mobs.



Originally Posted by LaosRansley View Post
I only need the farm build... if staff/regen farming is possible
It's possible to farm, and staff has decent AoE, but you're better off with something that hits harder and has more offense from the secondary powerset.

Even if you don't like Fire, there are sets that have damage auras that would work well for farming when paired with the right offensive powerset. Electric Armor and Dark Armor come instantly to mind. Bio Armor which is coming soon would be a good one as well for you.

If you want to farm quickly...there are likely about 3-4 offensive powersets you want to look into pretty hard...

Titan Weapons is going to be lots of AoE and VERY good damage...though it takes a lot of Endurance to run it...

Super Strength is going to be one great AoE in Footstomp, and some good ST damage with Knockout Blow and Haymaker. This also takes a fair amount of endurance to run...and it's damage self buff can be made to stack so you can get it's bonus twice, though it does have a mild crash when it wears off.

Fiery Melee is going to be good for farming as it does good damage and has lots of AoE powers that can make it easy to take down mobs en masse. The endurance cost on the AoE powers is a bit above average.

Claws has several good AoE attacks that perform high damage...and it is excellent for ST damage should you ever decide you want to do more than farm. It's inherent endurance cost is moderately low, so it takes less endurance to run it.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)