Im looking for a good solo/grp defender DD SO's build
Deleting the post doesn't really accomplish anything. For example, this is the first time I've seen it and now it's much more difficult to help.
Based on your post title, I suggest Rad/Sonic. They're pretty much best at everything, but if you have your heart set on Dark/Dark, then go for it. If "DD" means "damage dealer" you might be a bit disappointed by Dark/Dark, though. In fact, if you want to focus on being a damage dealer, you might want to look at Corruptors instead.
's doesn't make things plural.
To be honest, if you are looking for an SO leveling build, its not terribly hard to come up with something useful. I don't have Mid's, but here's roughly what I'd take:
Level 1:
Twilight Grasp
Dark Blast (no choice)
Level 2
Gloom (I like a usable attack chain at lower levels)
Level 4
Travel Power
Level 6
Tar Patch
Level 8
Darkest Night
Level 10
Howling Twilight
Level 12
Fearsome Stare
Level 14
Shadows Fall
Level 16
Tenebrous Tentacles
Level 18
Free Pick (maybe maneuvers for team buffs?)
Level 20
Night Fall
Level 22-28 Free Picks
Level 32
Dark Servant
I'd try to get at least 4 slots into my attacks (1acc/3dam). Twilight Grasp needs some acc and some rech. Howling Twilight and Tar Patch I'd go with 3 recharge and call it a day. Fearsome Stare you want up as much as possible. Make sure you have a couple of end reducers in Shadows Fall (I'd prioritize slotting it for +def over +res), and make sure you slot stamina if you intend to run a bunch of toggles. Hasten would help. When fighting AVs, Twilight Grasp and Howling Twilight do a significant amount of -regeneration, so be sure to use them.
If you can use IOs, there are some that will help you out such that levels make no difference. You don't need to wait till level 50 to slot the Performance Shifter +end, or the Miracle +recovery or Numina's recovery/regeneration. The Cloud Senses +negative damage proc in Dark Servant is pretty cool. I personally like to do tip missions and reaffirm my status in a morality mission, then I can earn Alignment Merits via Signature Story Arcs. And of course, frankenslotting will allow you to get a bit more oomph out of your slots if you don't mind bargain bin diving.
The powers I listed are (IMO) the must-haves for D/D. You could use your free picks to take it in a number of directions. Maneuvers would stack team +def, Tactics gives +to-hit (they have proposed making changes to snipes in i24 such that +to-hit will affect their activation, stay tuned for actual details), Assault boosts damage, Vengence is another spot to drop at LOTG+7.5% recharge. The Fighting pool would let you get Tough and Weave, boosting your personal survivability. Dark Pit can be useful soft control; Life Drain is a pretty decent single target attack if you want another one.
Next time you might consider waiting at least a day before attempting to delete as firstly you can't actually delete the thread so all you do is make it harder for others to figure out what you wanted and secondly an intact thread is more useful for other players who may have the same question.
As with most build questions, it's almost always better to make an attempt at a build yourself and then get a critique from the community to fine-tune. There's a lot of playstyle choices that go into most builds and making your own build allows you to make those decisions based on what you enjoy, so it works out better for everyone in the long run (for example, choice of travel power, choice to use nuke powers or not, etc).
YT's outlined the big must-haves and I agree with the list. I'd only add the recommendation to use Howling Twilight as often as possible. It's an autohit cone stun power, one of the best control power options available to Defenders. It also does very good -regen, ten times the effect you get with Twilight Grasp. The fact that it's also the best rez power in the game and the only AOE rez in the game is also very good, but you shouldn't save it only for when teammates are dead.
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Sorry i did not leave the post up longer, i figured after alot of people viewed the post and i got no comments i was asking too much help, and after reading the Dark Miasma/dark blast info i see its not a good solo choice.
I have tried my hardest to figure out mids, i put in diff builds but cant seem to what i put in the slots whether its acc, dam, dam, recg or something else, i have hard time trying to comprehend things, im disable with brain damage, and i know things ave changed alot since i last played 2004, all im trying to do is to find a solo leveling up build slotting up to SO's, ill worry about the IO's ect.. much latr down the road once i get a character to 50, i asked in my previous pist was a Dark Miasma/Dark Blast SO build, ut i agree with one commenter that it was not a good solo build, i been searching thru the forums for a Time Manipulation/Sonic SO build or a Rad/Sonic SOP build but having no luck, i wish i could understand the mids and its slotting but i cant comprehend it, sorry so ill just keep searching till i find a build i can try and see if fun then worry latr about any changes and the ED
tyvm all for responding and trying to help me out, i just cant figure out the mids, it may be easy for alot of plp but my disability its not, its easier for me to find other players builds and try them out ect.. but seeems no one does SO leveling up Builds all i see if edn game lvl 50 builds and thats too confusing atm lol,
Have a good day
one more thing if not asking much if anyone finds any old posts of leveling up Time/Sonic or Rad/Sonic builds with SO's i appretiate it alot, ill keep my searching as well.
Ok i tried what i could understand, check my build tell me whats wrong please
crap sorry its a corruptor build not defender, i should have pastd this in corruptor section, my bad but i will still take any criticism on my build, my first attempt ever to make a build, tried my hardest to undrstand the slotting.
Well, there is not such a huge difference between Defenders and Corruptors, except in when certain powers become available. The build you've posted is... rather spectacularly out of balance. Also, it's not Dark/Dark, but Fire/Storm... Really quite confusing.
For a Dark/Dark build on SOs, I can only direct your attention a little further down the page:
It's incomplete, but it will get you through your first levels.
Be Well!
I would be happy to give you some advice about leveling a defender (or any other AT). I can PM you if you wish. City of Heroes can be complicated, and I'm not a Mid's expert myself. In my opinion, a Mid's build is not necessary to get a good build in game. It can help, but it isn't a requirement for an SO build.
With ED, you generally don't want to put more than 3 SOs worth of enhancements in a power. For most attacks, 1 acc, 3 dam, and your preference of rech or end reduction as needed. Defensive toggles some will require an end reduction SO to be effective, some don't offer a ton of bonuses so putting slots in there is kind of a waste (for example, Combat Jumping doesn't take a huge amount of endurance and doesn't give a lot of defense).
I think most people would place Dark Miasma or Rad Emission pretty high on the list of defender primaries/corruptor secondaries as far as being fun and useful both solo and groups. Storm is a bit more tricky to play well. What do you see yourself doing as a defender/corruptor?
First i was told dark/dark was not a good solo playstyle so thats why i changed to something that may be fun, so i looked at plp's builds of fire/storm they looked cool but i couldnt find any SO builds and plp saying try to make your own , i explained the problem i have trying to do that , i cant understand and rather fight all night tryin to make a build, i rather find a build from someone else lvl 1-50 solo build up to SO's only, the build i made frie/storm i had no idea what i was doing i cant understand, what am i after, just a fun solo build slotting up to SO's something i can see and understand and use, im not after raid stuff, or end game grping, just something to have fun slo with, i need someone to make me a solo leveling build with SO's only, lvl 1-50, all i have to do is follow the build as i play, so i know what to put in slots and how many slots i need per level/skill.
i love dark, rad, sonic, fire and illusion defenders/corruptor or even a controller. time and storm or electric little bit iffy to me seems to take more thinking on those 3 types
So that is what im looking for, yes someone to make me a lvl 1-50 solo fun build with SO's, then latr ill consider IO"s and higher. You now know what i love in builds as i stated above ^^^^^ i cannot make my own i just cannot comprhend hpw to make my own build with my disability i just cant i tried and see how i did it and it was all over the place and wrong.
So ths is where im at and so far not having fun. I know how ot play the game i got a lvl 31 lin/rad toon from 2004 but his vuild now is no longer good since the rules of ED and i cannot figure out how to reconstruct him to todays standards of SO's ect,,, so ill just keep searching the forums for a fun solo build and hope it is SO build and not end game lvl 50 IO's.
First i was told dark/dark was not a good solo playstyle so thats why i changed to something that may be fun...
Because Dark/Dark is super, awesome, and fun. Solo, they have excellent damage and the debuffs keep the bad guys from hurting you. Dark has one of the most potent Healing powers in the game (because it requires a target to siphon from) and it heals You Too, not just your teammates.
Seriously, what other powerset lets you Hurl Screaming Skulls at your enemy?
I have at least 3 D/D Def and 2 D/D Cor and 2 D/D Blasters as well as D/D Controllers... I have D/D Scrappers and a D/D Tanker, too. That said, I do have a Fire/Storm Corruptor or two, also and greatly enjoy that as well.
As for the lack of SO builds, yeah, it seems like nobody is doing those anymore - it's all 'Purple Incarnate PvPIO' Madness. Also, Sadly, I will not be making an SO build for You - however, I'll happily share the SO builds I make for Myself and you can tweak them to fit your own preferences.
Be Well!
Well thats awesome to hear on the Dark/Dark, now i just need to find a complete Dark/Dark lvl 1-50 build with SO's lol which seems ot be hard to find any class these days that is all SO's, gah i give anything to make my own, hate it when even the simple things to alot of plp are easy but to me i cant comprehend/understand grrrr really gets to me at times, maybe ill get lucky and find some one to make me a Dark/Dark Defender build with only SO's lol ill keep searching the forums for a complete build, tyvm for responding back and my hopes of dark/dark isnt totally lost any more
Okay, I can't give you a L50 build because I don't have a L50 D/D Def. Every time I've tried to use a L50 build as a leveling guide, it's gone badly. So, what I maintain is a level whatever-my-best-is build, which I update continually, and a ladder of future powers arranged about like I expect to use/want them.
This works, because the Game is constantly changing and any time I've thought 'this is it, this is perfect', there has been a development which has forced a change.
To correct your 'I can't make a build' issues, I suggest you use the resources of our fantastic community to address the ignorance that plagues you. For Dark/Dark Defenders, try Darkitty's guide: - it's a little bit behind the state of the art, but still quite good.
For this, that, and everything else, visit Paragon Wiki: ... Every Day! Because there's a metric TON of useful information there, nicely cataloged for your perusal.
Now, because I'm such a nice guy and I love seeing people discovering the fun in City, I'll share the current iteration of my D4 - Dark/Dark/Dark Defender.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.958
Click this DataLink to open the build!
Black Valkyrie: Level 49 Magic Defender
Primary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Secondary Power Set: Dark Blast
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Dark Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(5), EndRdx(7), RechRdx(21)
Level 1: Dark Blast -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(9), RechRdx(19)
Level 2: Gloom -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(11), RechRdx(23)
Level 4: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(5), RechRdx(11)
Level 6: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(7)
Level 8: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(9), DefBuff(13), ResDam(27)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff(A)
Level 12: Fearsome Stare -- Acc(A), Acc(13), EndRdx(15)
Level 14: Fly -- EndRdx(A)
Level 16: Tenebrous Tentacles -- Acc(A), Acc(17), EndRdx(17), RechRdx(29)
Level 18: Air Superiority -- Acc(A), Acc(19)
Level 20: Moonbeam -- Acc(A), EndRdx(21)
Level 22: Howling Twilight -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(23)
Level 24: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(25), EndRdx(25)
Level 26: Assault -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(27)
Level 28: Tactics -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(29)
Level 30: Maneuvers -- Empty(A)
Level 32: Dark Servant -- Empty(A)
Level 35: Dark Consumption -- Empty(A)
Level 38: Petrifying Gaze -- Empty(A)
Level 41: Dark Embrace -- Empty(A)
Level 44: Soul Drain -- Empty(A)
Level 47: Soul Transfer -- Empty(A)
Level 49: Life Drain -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx(A)
Level 1: Vigilance
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Run(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(15)
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1149;501;1002;HEX;| |78DA6D925B6B1A511485CFE898A977474DBD24620904A481C1D0BC078CB5146209B| |DA42D7D9083398E83D389CC1868DE92FC9636A414FACF7AF907D3ED396B8CD60CC8| |D26FADBDCF1ECFEE7FE9667EBEB83E645AEEC8E54130E88A91F0CE849FE873DB193| |27A721D970F274F4EB93BB9F41D6110AA45A941E76234B2BADC9F0CFA0E0F3EF3FA| |C279CD3D5B9C298F3A0433F3A53716BEF06656F42573727EEE5AC7824F1DCF4ECB1| |F3DD7B1C7B37C6450A360EC4C55B0E7CC3C1104E6F3A933C499D456F897551A6997| |3E6F620C4F1897A2C7990EDD3094964DA55F1FC8C6A08F902D22FB8D0C0D59EDBF6| |C0AD9C7C8BE2543350C6371301D9A82BEA34C4265B484B13ADF7BF20C9C6518ABF3| |6474A5F522CE249E54599684F781EAD3383F8D1933D01CFAA449B39AAACB82DD515| |D1EE7E6912F448ACCB679FFCE26E6379129426FA94F095E09AC8CFA53F236E16D9A| |ABFFDB77F22A98BB82BA6AA4D17D90D6505F03AB434BA45BF0B6A279A1266903FF5| |323A4877DA2D39A204D49AEE8D276E42D876C47928F31B55573B22BC935655A202D| |496E88ECA16A4F92BB2C63163296243FA84F1BA42DC9B6BED83D16EDDED3652653E| |D658237D95F4B3D5B23076BE4F8814EAFE64CED4078A22FF69B69B88F6461B1C7E1| |AF14F9D81779A9E4FF596629C57E2FB39C627FEF99A66D600FA1FF00D73CB3B0| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Be Well!
Tyvm, I'll check out the paragon wiki and the other links and again tyvm,this a good start, I appreciate this a lot
Okay, I can't give you a L50 build because I don't have a L50 D/D Def. Every time I've tried to use a L50 build as a leveling guide, it's gone badly. So, what I maintain is a level whatever-my-best-is build, which I update continually, and a ladder of future powers arranged about like I expect to use/want them.
This works, because the Game is constantly changing and any time I've thought 'this is it, this is perfect', there has been a development which has forced a change. To correct your 'I can't make a build' issues, I suggest you use the resources of our fantastic community to address the ignorance that plagues you. For Dark/Dark Defenders, try Darkitty's guide: - it's a little bit behind the state of the art, but still quite good. For this, that, and everything else, visit Paragon Wiki: ... Every Day! Because there's a metric TON of useful information there, nicely cataloged for your perusal. Now, because I'm such a nice guy and I love seeing people discovering the fun in City, I'll share the current iteration of my D4 - Dark/Dark/Dark Defender. Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.958 Click this DataLink to open the build! Black Valkyrie: Level 49 Magic Defender Primary Power Set: Dark Miasma Secondary Power Set: Dark Blast Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Flight Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Dark Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc(A), Acc(5), EndRdx(7), RechRdx(21) Level 1: Dark Blast -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(9), RechRdx(19) Level 2: Gloom -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(11), RechRdx(23) Level 4: Tar Patch -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(5), RechRdx(11) Level 6: Darkest Night -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(7) Level 8: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(9), DefBuff(13), ResDam(27) Level 10: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff(A) Level 12: Fearsome Stare -- Acc(A), Acc(13), EndRdx(15) Level 14: Fly -- EndRdx(A) Level 16: Tenebrous Tentacles -- Acc(A), Acc(17), EndRdx(17), RechRdx(29) Level 18: Air Superiority -- Acc(A), Acc(19) Level 20: Moonbeam -- Acc(A), EndRdx(21) Level 22: Howling Twilight -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(23) Level 24: Night Fall -- Acc(A), Acc(25), EndRdx(25) Level 26: Assault -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(27) Level 28: Tactics -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(29) Level 30: Maneuvers -- Empty(A) Level 32: Dark Servant -- Empty(A) Level 35: Dark Consumption -- Empty(A) Level 38: Petrifying Gaze -- Empty(A) Level 41: Dark Embrace -- Empty(A) Level 44: Soul Drain -- Empty(A) Level 47: Soul Transfer -- Empty(A) Level 49: Life Drain -- Empty(A) Level 1: Brawl -- Acc(A) Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx(A) Level 1: Vigilance Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run(A) Level 2: Health -- Heal(A) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump(A) Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(15) ------------ Code:
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1149;501;1002;HEX;| |78DA6D925B6B1A511485CFE898A977474DBD24620904A481C1D0BC078CB5146209B| |DA42D7D9083398E83D389CC1868DE92FC9636A414FACF7AF907D3ED396B8CD60CC8| |D26FADBDCF1ECFEE7FE9667EBEB83E645AEEC8E54130E88A91F0CE849FE873DB193| |27A721D970F274F4EB93BB9F41D6110AA45A941E76234B2BADC9F0CFA0E0F3EF3FA| |C279CD3D5B9C298F3A0433F3A53716BEF06656F42573727EEE5AC7824F1DCF4ECB1| |F3DD7B1C7B37C6450A360EC4C55B0E7CC3C1104E6F3A933C499D456F897551A6997| |3E6F620C4F1897A2C7990EDD3094964DA55F1FC8C6A08F902D22FB8D0C0D59EDBF6| |C0AD9C7C8BE2543350C6371301D9A82BEA34C4265B484B13ADF7BF20C9C6518ABF3| |6474A5F522CE249E54599684F781EAD3383F8D1933D01CFAA449B39AAACB82DD515| |D1EE7E6912F448ACCB679FFCE26E6379129426FA94F095E09AC8CFA53F236E16D9A| |ABFFDB77F22A98BB82BA6AA4D17D90D6505F03AB434BA45BF0B6A279A1266903FF5| |323A4877DA2D39A204D49AEE8D276E42D876C47928F31B55573B22BC935655A202D| |496E88ECA16A4F92BB2C63163296243FA84F1BA42DC9B6BED83D16EDDED3652653E| |D658237D95F4B3D5B23076BE4F8814EAFE64CED4078A22FF69B69B88F6461B1C7E1| |AF14F9D81779A9E4FF596629C57E2FB39C627FEF99A66D600FA1FF00D73CB3B0| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Be Well! Fireheart |
I took a quick look at the build you gave me but today I relooked at again and notice no slots has damage in them, why is this since I solo?
I took a quick look at the build you gave me but today I relooked at again and notice no slots has damage in them, why is this since I solo?
With SOs the 5th slot would be Damage, or some other enhancement, like Debuff, or Hold, or Range. Ditto for any 6th slot.
My experience has been that Defenders don't do enough damage in a single attack to make enhancing that damage a priority. Therefore, I enhance the other aspects, which contribute to my being able to do more damage.
Warning! Philosophy Immanent!
If you don't have Accuracy, you can't hit and if you don't hit, then your attacks are irrelevant.
If you don't have Endurance (or run out too fast), then you can't attack anyway and they become irrelevant.
If you attack and hit them, but don't do much damage, hit them Again - Voilla, you just doubled your damage.
If your one attack hits them and does good damage, but now you have to wait for it to recycle, you have 2 choices - Sacrifice whatever it takes to make your one attack recharge faster... Or hit them with another attack. My preference is to hit them with 6 attacks, rather than sacrifice enough to make that one attack do the same job.
So, solo, or in a team, I drop Tar Patch and pull the enemy into it (or, alternately, Pull the enemy and then drop Tar Patch on them). They are now Slowed and have their ToHit and Resistance debuffed, so they are easier to hurt and I can use my attack-chain to bring them down. Often, the group dies before Tar Patch expires, so I Might lure a few more into the Patch.
I'm running Shadow Fall - the Stealth helps control how much aggro I pick up, while the Defense and Resistance helps me deal with the aggro that I pick up. You may choose to slot 2x Defense, instead of Resistance.
Combat Jumping is slotted for Defense, but that is Not the main reason for taking it. The Main reason for CJ is for the in-combat maneuverability, allowing you to skip in and out of melee range Quickly. It just happens to Also protect vs immobilize, give Defense, and help stabilize Fly, so you have more control. You could choose Hover instead, or switch in Super Jump or Super Run for Fly.
I used to have Moonbeam at 6th level, where Darkest Night is. The Snipe is a superb pulling tool and does a lot of damage, comparatively. However, Darkest Night is Slightly more flexible, despite the limited range and Very good for helping to neutralize the Hard targets, like nasty bosses. I still use Moonbeam, but I swapped priorities when I got into my 20s.
I hope this discussion helps.
Be Well!
Aye, I c what your saying and yes in agree, tyvm, I'll take in all you said and try to keep to memory when I. Looking at trying to make my own builds
I have deleted this post, since there was no response. That is cool, i will keep searching sites till I find a dark miasma/dark blast defender builds that has up to SO's for leveling to 50![Smile](images/smilies/smile.gif)