The Primal Defense Initiative [ Information Thread ]




The Primal Defense Initiative

Hello, everyone!

As some might know, very recently I held a RP event that started up the idea of a Primal Defense Initiative, a RP coalition between the heroic groups of Virtue. We had a WONDERFUL turn out and I am happy to say that this got a good start. Now, onto the main details about what this is. The Primal Defense Initiative, in an OOC definition, is a means to bring groups together for events and the likes. It is a means to have people around to team for possible AE stuff or TFs. It has many a purpose and ultimately it is something we all can have fun with! I do intend to see that this is a lot of fun for the involved groups. But this is a group effort and it always will be. The focus is on the bigger enemies and not enemies that would focus on one group at a time.

IC definition is an alliance of heroes that will fight against big threats like the Coming Storm, Arachnos, and more. It is all about bonding together to defend the world the heroes love. To note, this is only a alliance by RP definition. No groups will be forced into actually coalitioning up due to various issues that could arise. If groups want to do that on their own, that is fine by me. I do not control the actions of the other groups and don't intend to. The key to this is communication and it is for that reason that I have set up an OOC global chat channel. A means of IC communication may come soon, but that is still being worked on and will need to be brought to the leaders of the other groups once we have a better list.

Another thing to note is that this will be headed by the 'red stars' of the groups as well as myself to work together and bring this idea to full head. We will plan events, talk about PDI related things and deal with problems as a large collective. This is a group effort and nothing will be done without at least a majority vote or majority agreement. Simple as that, and a big thank you to all the people who showed up last night for the event. I know support was not a problem, but I do have that feeling that this will go far.

PDI Groups
The Eternals
The Golden Mirror
The Challengers
Global Defense Force

* Still need to confirm like five groups

Please note that the list of groups will grow as we're getting confirmation of groups joining in and such. The full list should be up by some time next week. If you wish to have your group join this, contact @Shadeknight AND join PDI-OOC. Please note that this is a heroic group only thing. We might plan stuff with the active redside groups that would fit to fight the heroes, but nothing of that sort just yet. If you also have any questions, my global is right there and I am always willing to answer questions about the PDI and anything you may want to know about it.

EDIT: I hit enter too soon. Expect a larger update to this post or a seperate one later in the thread tomorrow x_x.

Thank you and have a nice night.