Battle Ready Organization is recruiting.




Battle Ready Organization is recruiting.

Our theme is something of a Mystery Men meets Xavier's School for Gifted Children meets The Avengers or JLA. The idea is that BRO takes in the misfit heroes, the ones with truly strange, destructive or otherwise frowned at super-powers, and helps them become a functioning member of the superhero community - most of them started off as misfits, now they want to help other misfits.

What we ask for is an elevator pitch of your character's concept, and we'll usually try to do some form of in-character interview before giving you your actual group invite. The officer who interviews your character will also try to answer any questions you have.

Our activity fluctuates, and right now a few of our founding members -just- started college, but it always picks up.

We have a website(it's pretty new):

And you can reach me at @exclius, or on Kasun and MX Armor.

Other officers are: @It's Raining Fen (The Radiopath), @cenes (Ka'loni), @7im (Gnit), @OhHaiMac (Son of Consolation)

Thank you for your time.

(Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong area.)