Servers down fun time




Servers are down, let's all chit chat and wait for them to come back up!!! What are you all up to? And does anybody know why the servers are down? I wanted to get on and create a new toon....



According to the new schedule I'm keeping, I've been asleep for more than four hours.

Wait... crud.

Anyway, Tuesday morning maintenance is pretty normal - it doesn't happen every week, but I've come to expect the servers to go down and be surprised if they don't, rather than vise versa.



Oh Tuesday maintenance is news to me, I expect it on Thurs.... How lame.

Anyways what to do what to do...



they added amplifiers...meh

still waiting for summer event and the three new powersets

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.