Technic's list of Suggestions and Stuff!




Long story short.. into a long post. I'm just putting up a list of ideas I've been having for a while, more than likely people have thought about or brought up too. But I'm gonna go ahead and list them anyway. Because I feel if they come up enough, the Devs will give them a little more consideration!


A big one, and I don't know why, Moar Glowy! Not sure what it is, just always enjoyed glowy stuff. Saddly, most of the glowy costume pieces we have now, are character specific. Either from your character being some sort of glowing alien or mutant, or requires Armor to, [males anyway, females get the glowy go-go dancer thing.]

I'm thinking things like shirts, pants [from Tights, to Tucked-in, to actual pants] allow glowed options for some of those. To tops, like jackets or shirts that have a glowy option. Take the glowing robe from Tron: Evolution or something, that was pretty wicked.

Perhaps add a few glowed options for existing textures. I would think certain ones like Circuitry would glow!

I'd also like to start a petition or something for Lord Recluse to stop being the only person who has access to shoulder fluff! Seriously. I'm aware it sort of extends down his back. I'm actually not sure if that's fluff, or part of his Tartarus mutations, but either way!

Basically, asking for either a Shoulder option to have fluff around the neck and such, or give us Aviator jackets. [For lack of better example. Squall Lionheart from FF8. Yes, I went there.]

Just a little side note as well, More Trenchcoat options! Not sure why this hasn't been worked on at all. Should allow for more variety when it comes to the TrenchCoat and coattails.

Moving on~


Cellphones! Why do we still have that old clunker of a cellphone in today's technology? I'm requesting to either have the old cellphone model changed, or give us a new one.
Like: /em Smartphone or /em playapp.
We've got a tablet, I'm aware of this, I'd like to request the tablet emote itself become either a global unlock, or automatic for everyone. Just the AE power itself needs to be unlocked. Or it could be a global unlock as well, I'm good with either.

I'd also like to see a sort of generic handheld gaming device. If it's possible to design something that doesn't look like any of the handheld out there, to avoid any legal issues if they come up.

More Sitting emotes, perhaps give our sitting animations a little more life. Allow characters to sit down with drinks in their hands, perhaps add a /em stool w/cup for all the pocket D patrons. Or coming back to it, video game remotes, for all us gamers! Just a generic controller to put in our characters hands when chilling in SG bases or something.

Understand a lot of these are circumstance specific, and aimed more towards the Roleplaying community, but I always feel more Emotes is a good thing.


Is all I have for now, May add more to it later.