Hybrid Control Core and Knockdowns
From the wiki: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Hybrid_Slot_Abilities
My experience with the T3 Total Core Hybrid also agrees with this. I've been playing a lot with my Illusion Controller using it, and the pets send foes flying quite often. I've never seen anyone showing the "Control" or "Waylay" text while on their bottoms, but I've seen it quite often while they are feared near the Spectral Terror, Held or Stunned with Fissure (it's a great power for Illusion, getting mini-containment from fear)...
Enemies qualify as "controlled" if under the effect of: confuse, fear, hold, immobilize, sleep, stun |
Playing CoH with Gestures

The Core line of the Hybrid Control enhancements says it grants a chance to damage controlled enemies. Does this by any chance include enemies who are knocked down, or does it only take effect on control abilities that have a debuff icon like hold, fear, etc?