Leprechaun Power detoggles while in Kheldian Nova or Dwarf Form




I am just posting this at the request of Arbiter Warrant on Facebook during today's Freedom Friday Q&A.

I believe I bugged this in-game, but I am not 100% sure at the moment.

The Leprechaun Power that offers an inf bonus detoggles and becomes unavailable to use when a Kheldian shifts into Nova or Dwarf form.

I do not believe this is working as intended since the power is not giving the player an advantage like many of the other unavailable powers when in Nova/Dwarf form, but it actually penalizes Kheldians for using Nova/Dwarf.

Of course, I could be wrong and this is working as intended, but I wanted to confirm it.

Thank you in advance.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



The forms detoggle other toggles anyway, so I wouldn't call it a bug - or at least surprising. For instance, it's one of the things that's been mentioned on the Kheld forums for years - suggesting letting the shields suppress instead of detoggle.

I'd say "working normally," not sure if it's "as intended" for that but pretty much par.



It also breaks that 3 year Dark Troller hold when you shift .. pvp that is.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The forms detoggle other toggles anyway, so I wouldn't call it a bug - or at least surprising. For instance, it's one of the things that's been mentioned on the Kheld forums for years - suggesting letting the shields suppress instead of detoggle.

I'd say "working normally," not sure if it's "as intended" for that but pretty much par.
This particular problem (Kheldians being unable to use ANY of their pets while in forms... Vanity, vet *or* purchased... It's not just the Leprechaun-) only cropped up when pets were switched from one-click summons to toggles, so I suspect you're right. It's a new expression of an age-old complaint.

I still bugged it in-game and mentioned it on the forums at the time, and have brought it up again several times since then, but thus far the only dev response to the issue has been complete silence.

I suspect that either means they don't know how to fix the problem, or they're unwilling to. It's not like there are all that many of us who play multi-form Kheldians...

'Still miss having Sola's little blue whisp around, though.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Yeah, don't get me wrong, I understand it's because it's a toggle.

However, there are exceptions to the rule of not being able to use "temp" powers while in form. I believe you can still use [Return to Battle] while in form, it does not get greyed out.

And while I do understand that is not a toggle, it shows they have some kind of capability to have the Kheldian form ignore some powers when not allowing access to them.

I'm sure that overall it's working as intended because it's a toggle, and toggles are supposed to be deactivated when in in form, however, it's something that should either be disclosed or worked around.

It's not the end of the world, my PB is already at level 50+3 and has a good amount of influence. But the moment I want to level up another Kheldian, or a new player does, and they want to strictly use forms, it will seem like you get penalized for it.

Heck, maybe this is the tipping point that will open the door for devs to look at ALL toggles for Kheldians

Anyway, I brought it up on Facebook during Freedom Friday and Arbiter Warrant requested to have it posted here, so that's the main reason for the thread.

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



Originally Posted by Freitag View Post

  • Buff and Vanity pets can now be used by Kheldians while shapeshifted, and now persist if summoned in Human form prior to a shapeshift.

This is on beta right now!

Thank you devs!

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor



Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
[/LIST]This is on beta right now!

Thank you devs!
It'll be good to have Spot back.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Should be fixed after today's patch.

Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
Patch Notes for Build 2320.201207182341.1

  • Buff and Vanity pets can now be used by Kheldians while shapeshifted, and now persist if summoned in Human form prior to a shapeshift.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Should be fixed after today's patch.
It is.

Tested it on my PB and the Leprechaun persisted through shifting forms.

Only thing is you cannot cast it while in Nova form because you're flying, and you need to be on the ground to do so. I know that's how it's supposed to work, just mentioning it for information purposes.

I also tested having the Leprechaun (buff temp) and a vanity temp out at the same time, and it worked fine.

Again, thanks to the devs for their response in addressing this!

@Alpha XBS ~ Victory
Thunder Light - Peacebringer * Displaced Calibre - Dual Pistols/Time Corruptor * Defendatron WS - Warshade
Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller * Madame Infernus - Fire/Thermal Corruptor