An Amazing tri-form WS?




Until recently I've always played a human only WS build, but given the new change of instant form transformation and doing more lower-level content/TFs I want to try out a high damage/survival tri-form build for my WS. Never really built one before so this is my first attempt, but influence/budget is no obstacle, outside of using full pvp sets, though procs are fine.

Currently thinking of high recharge for perma eclipse/mire, using nova form for high dps and switching to human to heal when needed or dwarf for mez protection. I've looked at trying to build for defense but since I'll mostly be using toggles it seems as though I'll largely be relying on resistance with this build.

This is what I've put together so far. I'll likely change the lotg +rech procs to lvl 30 so they'll be effective when exempt and the Expedient Reinforcement set in dark extraction will be replaced with the new Kheld ATO set when it comes out. Any advice/criticism/analysis of this build would be greatly appreciated

Also, any suggestions in terms of destiny/hybrid slots would also be appreciated for a tri-form build. For my human WS I used clarion for perma mez protection but given dwarf form I'm thinking either barrier/rebirth.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



I can't look at the build on my phone, but I can offer you my MFing warshade guide. It has build advice, as well as a link to my build. Do a search for AIB's build to compare to if you get a chance. His builds fit much more defense than I care to.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Thanks for the info Dechs, checked out that forum and made a few changes to my build. Didn't realize that black dwarf drain was a better heal than siphon life or essence drain. Also split up the apocalypse set to try and improve my HP a bit. Also removed the end mod slotting from the forms as they don't provide all that much recovery. Here's the revised version.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
...Do a search for AIB's build to compare to if you get a chance. His builds fit much more defense than I care to...
Here is my latest build. I have swapped the enhancements in Dark Nova Emanation and Detonation because of the faster recharge of Kheld's Grace compared to Posi's blast. I have selected Hybrid Assault and I have set all relative levels to +5 so you have a complete picture of my build.

I'll update "AIB's build" post when the new Kheld AT enhancements are published.

Until then...

Oh, and my defense goal was to be softcapped to S/L and Psi when using Venge (or...even a medium inspiration for me for that matter ).

This has proven to be of great use for both my PB and WS.