Looking for help on a WS Dwarf-only build




My WS is getting close to 50, and I plan on going full Dwarf tanking, and I could use some help with slotting, sets, incarnates and the like. I don't have the money to spend on purple or PVP sets.

I was planning on taking all the Concealment pools just to have something to stick some LotGs in.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.



Originally Posted by Lersondaya View Post
My WS is getting close to 50, and I plan on going full Dwarf tanking...
Even if you 6 slot every Dwarf ability (including teleport) you are still going to have slots left over. Therefore, you may wish to look into several buff, utility, and/or nuke powers from human form...or even, if you don't mind going triform, getting Nova and slotting the AOE attacks.

Were I in your position I'd still follow the build path that I have chosen for AIB I'd just slot cheap sets, focusing upon recharge at first, until I could afford the next upgrade.


Of course, you may want to six slot dwarf taunt...and (*cringe*) Dwarf teleport.



I do have Taunt sixslotted for Mocking Beratment. I was wondering what other sets would be good to get and where to put them.



Originally Posted by Lersondaya View Post
I plan on going full Dwarf tanking
You're using the wrong AT.

If you want a tanking character, roll a tank.

If you want a tanking character with better damage, roll a brute.

You play your warshade if you want something with the flexibility to blast, control, tank, nuke, summon pets, shove its resistance up to the 85% cap and its damage up to the 300% cap.

If you want to hamstring the previously mentioned AT, then limit it to dwarf form.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



True story--I read the OP and thought, "Oh, this guy wants to gimp his WS." I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm glad Dechs did.

Lerson, if you're going triform there is really no reason to screw yourself over by neglecting the other forms. A warshade does not fill any type of existing niche (such as tank, or blaster, or whatever)--rather, it is a sum of its parts, creating an entirely different playstyle. So don't limit yourself dude, even a cheap triform build will vastly outperform a limited one.

Of course, maybe I just misinterpreted the OP. It happens.