Freebie Friday is Live!




This week's Freebie Friday offering is live, and will be available until 4:00pm PDT tomorrow afternoon!

Freebie Friday is a new test program in the Paragon Market where all players, Free, Premium and VIP, can claim (only once per offer) a random free item! The item could be almost anything currently available in the Paragon Market and will change every week! Currently, we plan for each promotional item to be available for 24 hours. For the trial run, we'll be putting the item up at 4:00 PM PDT/7:00 PM EDT/12:00 AM BST this Thursday, May 17th, 2012. The item will be available until the same time (4:00 PM PDT) on Friday, May 18th, 2012. You can find the Freebie Friday item under the "Featured Items" section of the Paragon Market.

So log into City of Heroes and claim your item! You can join in the Community Discussion here!

Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios