Things NPCs should say at 25 pct health

Saint Valencrime



So ..... call it a draw?

You may win this battle $target but 3 of your PUG will quit before you get to the final mission and I will have the last laugh!

Stealth Panther Power Activate! ..... Oh Crud

Note to Self, put in Hospital Teleport system for NPCs

This week and this week only at Paragon Market , amazing deals on the random purchase pack! This message brought to you by Paragon Market! Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Who has two thumbs and a black eye? This guy

You wouldn't hit an NPC wearing glasses? /em put on glasses

You may think you have won but I sent my pet Liger, Mr Whizzles, to your SG Lair when the fight started and he had a big drink of water! Muhahaha!

I call a Mulligan. Do over! Do over!

Look behind you! Its Darrin Wade with a $target killing ceremony! Quick, run while they are looking!

Please, please, please, please, please, not the cell next to Flambeaux!