Apex Task Force WST
I'm happy to sign up on this
The Apex Task Force is the Strike Target from May 8th through May 14th. Since it takes a full eight 50s with Alphas, I'm not hopeful about being able to spontaneously put a team together. So...anyone interested in putting together a run? I can offer my psi/pain dom corruptor, and can recruit an ice/dark tank and a sonic/enblast defender pretty easily. Let me know if this appeals to you.

Thelonious Monk
Awesome - now we get to deal with me being on US Central time. I'm hoping to do this on Wednesday when I get home from work at 5:15 US Central - that's 11:15 p.m. BST. That work for you?
You could try recruiting in Defiant Events EU. There were quite a few Apex's formed in there today
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
Will do. Also put a word in with Mistress Dawn to catch people coming off iTrials. Just worried that I may have trouble getting people when it's approaching midnight on a work night for most of the server's playerbase.
Got a group together and motored through it in a little over 20 minutes. Dear God, that was the easiest 80 reward merits I ever earned. I'm surprised people don't do this one more often - 40 merits and some minor Incarnate stuff as a sweetener is a nice payoff for a half-hour's work.
The Apex Task Force is the Strike Target from May 8th through May 14th. Since it takes a full eight 50s with Alphas, I'm not hopeful about being able to spontaneously put a team together. So...anyone interested in putting together a run? I can offer my psi/pain dom corruptor, and can recruit an ice/dark tank and a sonic/enblast defender pretty easily. Let me know if this appeals to you.