Looking for an SG? Look no more! Eternals are recruiting.




Good morning, Virtue.

*nods to the gentlemen and waves to the ladies*

I just wanted to pop in and let you know the Eternals are recruiting. We are a moderate to heavy role-playing Supergroup. We were founded on July 3, 2004, and remain one of the oldest active groups today!

We operate from our orbital space station: the Aeternus (which comes with all the bells and whistles).

We are looking for active players who enjoy RP, stories (whether writing or just participating in them), participating in events with your SG mates, and leveling your character... well in-character. You can check us out at our shiny new website: www.coheternals.shivtr.com. Be sure to apply!

And be sure to check out our new trailer for our current storyline ending this Saturday: Eternals Advent

Mr Mirage

@Mr Mirage

Become more, become Eternal.