The Vigilants - RP SG, Blueside




The Vigilants

An organization of a select few heroes dedicated to the safeguarding of Earth utilizing technology and science (and sometimes magic), against Intergalactic and inter-dimensional entities bent on controlling, destroying, or harvesting us or our planet.

Created by the eccentric and genius hero known as Galvanized Gal, she was tasked by an extragalactic being known simply as "The Entity." A being of immense power and ability dedicated to the preservation of young worlds and their inhabitants.

-General Info-

Leader: Galvanized Gal
SG Type: Mature Roleplaying
Theme: Science, Technology, Alien (Though any origin is welcome)
Inspiration: Avengers, SHIELD
Uniforms: None, though we do require a legit hero costume, the kind you would expect to find in comic books.
Level Requirement: None, though we prefer 10+
Account Types: All, though prefer VIP's.
Hero Type: We want only dedicated Heroes. No anti-heroes, vigilantes, or rogues. Secret and public identities accepted.
Total Member Slots: 15-20
Total Current Members: 2

To Apply, either fill out an application here, or send an email to @RollerBrawler in-game with an application.

Applications will be judged, then a follow up, RP Interview will take place in-game if you're selected. This is a serious, mature roleplaying SG, so no silly costumes or character concepts. We want real players who're willing to play real heroes in a mature and serious manner.


@global name:
Identity (Public/Secret):
Hero Name:
Real Name:


Short Bio:

Include link or image of your character's main costume.