Dark Control Supergroup





In the spirit of the new (and awesome) Dark Control powers, I and some friends from another superteam have decided to start a new all Dark Control superteam. Our last project, an all Plant control team on Freedom made up of dominators and controllers, lasted about a year and had about 50-60 members. By the end of that stretch, we have about 10 regulars, most of whom are joining the new Dark Control foray in addition to maintaining their Plant alts. We're planning on starting the group this weekend, and all players are welcome, both new and veteran.

Some details:

Me: My global is @wtwall01. I've ran a few superteams in the past, most recently the Plant team mentioned above, which was great fun (and still active). My alt for the Dark SG is a Dark/Time controller named Le Corbeau. If you decide you want to join the group, please post your global here and I'll add you in game. Globals are the best way for me to keep track of people and let them know that we're gathering to play. (We're all fairly easy going; if I ever tell you to let you know we're playing and you don't want to or can't switch, you needn't worry about getting kicked from the group.)

Powersets: The vast majority of us will be playing Dark Control controllers or dominators; the secondary for either archetype is completely up to you. That said, we keep things open for those melee addicts out there, so anyone who rolls a Dark-anything will be welcome. I say this with a strong proviso: we really want a critical mass of Dark Control players, so please only take advantage of our leniency if you are completely opposed to rolling a Dark Control type.

Powers and Playstyle: The only mandatory powers, power pool wise, will be the leadership pool powers of Manuevers and Tactics. All of our alts in the Plant group took these and they were quite helpful, especially by the end game. For the Dark Control AT, we'll all need to take Living Shadows, Fearsome Stare, Haunt, and Umbra Beast. We're anticipating most of our damage will come from the latter of those powers, along with our dominators. (In our Plant SG, we very much enjoyed seeing 8 Creepers tear a group apart; we're looking forward to seeing the fun and chaos that will be 16 Haunts and 8 Beasts roaming around.) All other powers are completely up to the player, as is the look. Obviously, we prefer something spooky, creepy, or dark, but we're not strict on costume.

Server and Side: Freedom. Red side.

Playtime: We try to play regularly on Saturday afternoons, starting at 2 PM Eastern-ish. Given that I keep people's globals, we often have impromptu play time, too, as people are feeling feisty.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see some of you soon!