No mobs in Kings Row (Pinnacle)



Just tried to do a hunt mission in Kings Row and there are no bad guys at all in the zone...

Except for Clockwork that is. The Clockwork Paladins are in their normal gathering area just south of the former Galaxy City gate and they are summoning minions every few seconds.

I think what is happening is that with the 3 Paladins summoning the minions so often, it's overloading the zone to the point that regular mobs can't spawn.

This is happening on Pinnacle, but maybe it's happening on other servers. If so, post here to let others know what's going on.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



I forget the "why", but every now and then this'll happen. Not often, but enough that I've seen it before. Only thing I can suggest is to try zoning, "/reloadgfx", or relogging. I think it has something to do with dropped packets (lost info from server to client) that results in your end not seeing bad guys. I've had this happen before to where it Looked like nobody was there, but that didn't jive with what my Health bar was showing. >.<



I remember a few years ago it was common to become out of synch with the servers and while you could wander around a zone and not see any enemies, your character actually never moved from the spot where it zoned in. Which was why they added the /synch command to help out with those types of situations.

However, in this case I wasn't out of synch, there were simply too many Clockwork being spawned by the Paladin Giant Monsters for the zone to handle. Myself and 4 other people tried to clear them out, but I was on my lvl 14 dark/dark Dom and had a lvl 2 SK'd. I can't remember what the other folks were but at least one was a 50. We didn't have enough to take them down. So, my SK and I switched to 50's and mopped them up.

I got a few screenshots of the mass of Clockwork before we made our first attempt to take them down.

Here is a shot of just one Paladin and its group.

And now all 3 Paladins but with only 2 groups showing up...

And now all 3 Paladins with their mass of followers.

I had filed a bug report and a petition about this issue and in the middle of the first fight a GM showed up and basically said that this was normal and that "you may need to get a group of players to take them out".

The GM didn't seem to understand that while the Paladins and even a decent number of Clockwork minions hanging IS normal, what isn't normal is that all 3 of the Paladins were summoning new minions to join the already out of control numbers every 10 seconds or so.

Should the Paladins be summoning minions while players are actively trying to destroy them? Yes, that's normal.

Should the Paladins be summoning minions with no one aggroing them and continue to fill the zone with so many Clockwork that regular zone spawns are essentially pushed out? No, I don't think that is working as intended.

In all my years in the game, I've never seen this, and I somewhat regularly drone the Paladins so that a Paladin Construction can have a chance to start so I can try for the badge.

Once the Paladins and their followers were defeated, the regular zone mobs were able to spawn again.

I still think this could become an issue though since folks tend not to bother with the Paladin Construction anymore and having 3 Paladins up in that little area is fairly common. If they are indeed broken and spawning minions even when not being actively aggro'd they can and will overwhelm a zone and this problem could indeed happen again.

I think there was a similar problem with the Troll Raves in Skyway, the Super Trolls wouldn't despawn after the event, leading to them piling up throughout the zone.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.