The Myth of "Hard" raids.




Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
On the day we defeated Hamidon without gimmicks in a straight in your face fight - I became Incarnate. The game can hand that out now if they want to but when me and 149 of my friends kicked Hamidons *** after months of planning - that was hard.
Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Cool story, bro. Was it uphill, in the snow, too?

The point of the thread's been 'whatevah' for days but to IH's one mention of the original hami raids and the feeling of epicness associated with the first server victories, there is little to no comparison to that and any of the first wins over any of the Itrials, and like some others I've been on the initial runs of all of them dating back to closed betas of old.
Aside for the errant 'Desdemona running suicidally to her death' wrinkles that come married to uncompleted content, there hasn't been another game event that required some servers months of planning and endless mass defeats, 'death fests' as they were known, during the many attempts to work out a winning strategy.

Of course within a week of garnering globs of the 50% pre-nerf HO's the experienced raiders were running the event on cruise.

So yes, to the snark '2009', it initially was 'uphill, in the snow', compared to anything that's come after it.

As to any auxiliary points in the thread, I honestly didn't read it.
