Some Roleplay and Evil Materials




In order to have dastardly deeds or glorious heroics we have to understand how people work. Once we understand how people work we can fix or break them just like toys.

How do I make people think of me as a hero?

The seven basic goals of a person are Happiness, Health, Prosperity, Security, Piece of Mind, Relationships, and Hope for the future. This is a basic tenet of counseling and mentoring (where a lot of my RP Materials come from). In order for someone to think of me as heroic my actions have to intentionally increase one or more of these goals of the public.

How do I make people think of me as a villain?

You are going to take actions that cause one or more person to move further away from their goals.You are going to sadden,injure,rob,threaten, trouble, interfere or cause doubt in one or more others.

But I want to kill people and have a lair made of skulls, with skull doors, skull power generators, and a button that makes it rain blood. Isn't that evil?

Simply injuring people is sampling one dish from a succulent buffet. The amount of suffering is very limited because you only oppressed them once. It may also lead people to see you are a cliche. Online roleplay has always had a lot of Deathy McDeaths who think evil is about turning the game world into some sort of giant meat packing plant.

So what sort of evil and good options are there for me?

According to modern counseling there are over 100 negative personality traits that will lead to therapy. The flipside of this is there are over 100 different ways to be good. By taking these to the extreme we can be a little bad or very bad

Here is part of my three page list I got from a counseling center

Drug Dependant/Independant

These are motivations for doing good/bad things that are paired up with helping/hindering goals.

If I create some dangerous experiment that might blow me up I thats not really evil. If I kidnap every pizza delivery person and turn them into brains in a jar because science > humans then thats evil. Its motivation and action combined that makes it evil.

Putting this into use

In the mayhem mission lets make the arson and bank robbery seem awful.

First I would foreshadow the acts. I am going to introduce my victims and make them sympathetic. This can be done by NPCs, Clues, and other story materials. NPCs could say something like "The local bank teller gave me advice to save more money for retirement". This show the bank positively reinforcing the NPC's life.

Next we go in and rob the bank. The NPCs can exhibit concern about health, prosperity, or you can always have someone have a nervous breakdown under stress. This gets accross that I am negatively influencing all these people.

After the bank is robbed then we show an Epilogue of the events. We can have the retirement person searching for a cardboard box to live in and scrounging for old pizza boxes with moldy pizza crusts. We can have a shady NPC saying that they may want to hench for me because of my bank performance. Citizens can also voice outrage that the authorities are letting me run wild. Angry senior finger poking the Longbow demanding to know what they are going to do about me.

The combination of foreshadowing, action, and epilogue show my negative effect on the game world. It is not necessary to have Atlas Park become a giant mound of bloody skulls to show influence on the game world.

One Last Thing

Its important to know the difference between being evil and being a tool. Ruining the game experience for other people playing it makes you a tool. Being able to give and take makes the better for you and the players you encounter.



You gave a wonderful amount of information but to what end?

I have no idea what your final point was intended to be.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Why does this feel like the informational pamphlet designed to go with my "It happened AGAIN" post?

You know, I kind of got that feeling too. But I felt I'd ask for a clarification just in case.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



it's sort of an interesting list to read and look over it amongst my villains and heroes in comparison.

For example, a majority of my villains fall into "noble demons" or even just heroes on the wrong side of the fence. They're not out to cause problems for the world, they've often just lost hope that they can make a positive difference and instead have resolved to fortify their small lots in the world. anyone who's trustworthy and loyal can join into this lot and gain protection.

On the otherhand, my true villain is not all about killing randomly, but he is a huge troll in many respects, he pisses people off just because he can afford it, and despite the former mentioned about killing, he has no qualms about it, indeed, it's the end result of many of his objectives (mind eating).

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Why does this feel like the informational pamphlet designed to go with my "It happened AGAIN" post?
Because after I read your thread I pulled out some of my reference materials for creating evil NPCs. I thought they might interest people. There are a lot of players who roll up an evil character with a cool costume and then have absolutely no idea what to do next.

I also sketched out an AE arc as well. Something for myself to mess around with. Could I tell a story and show the before/after of your villainous actions?