Spring attack - anyone using it?




I used it on my stalker for another AoE, and it was pretty decent, but it's theoretical on my Fortunata build in order to neatly change from my ranged attacks to my Melee attacks.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
It will cause aggro, and they will become aware of you, but until you attack or they attack, hide/hidden is still on,, and you get an auto crit. You probably got hit by one of them that didn't get the KD.
Huh. I've seen the "hidden" message go away every time, but I get a critical every time on the next attack. Sweet.

Good to know. Thanks!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
Fire/earth dom luvs her SA.
Same here. My Fire/earth is lvl 30 and SA is a great alpha breaker when flashfire or cinders is down. Rotating between those three powers I don't have to pause much between groups to wait for a power to help me absorb an alpha to recharge.



if you put that chance for +recharge proc into this power does the bonus go to the caster or the psudopet?



It slots Oblits ... that's a plus I guess. I love this power on my DM, fits his concept, is fun to use and gives him another source of AoE which works great during soul drain.

Don't think this would fit into my Dom playstyle, however.


Cathodian (50 Rad/Rad)
Archanix (50 Ill/FF)
Dr. Deadface (Current: 40 Rad/MM)