


Hi all,
I'm looking at Paragon Wiki's info on Incandescence and also the in-game descriptions. I presently have Core Invocation and am working toward the next tier.

My question: What's the difference between Total Core Invocation and Partial Core Invocation?

On the wiki it looks like total core does -70% healing resistance, while partial core does -50%. The rest appears identical -- making total core an objectively superior power.

The in-game description ALSO says this of total core: it is a "Wide" teleport (vs. just a teleport) and its "safe zone" lasts longer than other versions of this power. Not sure what that refers to. Anyone have any ideas? Also, what advantage could partial core have?




"Wide" on the other Incarnate powers refers to a larger area. The teleport itself presumably doesn't get larger (because that wouldn't make any sense), so I guess the "safe zone" gets bigger (as well as lasting longer). The "safe zone" is the area of knockback/stun that Incandescence makes.



It is the safe zone that is larger indeed.

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker