Judge "Judgement" - Human-form WS




I've decided to try out human-form WS due to recent enlightenment (cough cough TwoHeadedBoy cough cough) and I came up with this for a build;


Here's why I did what I did:

I decided that I'll mostly be in melee range 24/7 due to PBAoE's (Stygian Circle, Sunless Mire, Eclipse, etc.) so I went for a lot of melee defense. I figured that since I'll be able to hit Resistance Cap easily with Eclipse, I should focus on Defense to maximize my ability to survive. I also decided that set bonuses that provided Resistance as a sixth component to the set would be fairly useless considering Eclipse will normally keep me at Resistance Cap granted there are enough enemies nearby.

My main attack chain would be something like this;

Teleport into middle of mob>Eclipse>Sunless Mire>Gravity Well weakest link>Unchain Essence>Dark Extraction>Shadow Blast.

The chain will vary for different situations, but this is the concept I would follow. I'd like to think Inky Aspect, Orbiting Death, and Sunless Mire will help me manage large mobs. My only concern is dealing with Bosses and higher rank; If my Eclipse wears off without any other mobs nearby, I'd be rendered vulnerable, leaving only my Defense to stand against the heavy hits a Boss (or any mob of higher rank) can land on me.

NOTE: I did NOT go for purples. Why? I'm not Mr. Moneybags I can't afford Apocalypse or anything of the sort. So I tried to pick any enhancement sets that increased recharge/defense.

Also, I'd like to point out TwoHeadedBoy inspired this build. I tip my hat to you, sir

Any comments, suggestions, ideas upon Judgement's (my warshade) build?

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Heya, I know you are around these forums a lot so I'm sure you're aware of the Nucleolus Exposure slotting method in Eclipse. Any reason you chose not to use it?

I think your Orbiting Death and Stamina are both over slotted. You are going to miss Gravitic Emanation and things like Super Jump and Acrobatics aren't build choices I could ever personally get behind. Acro I could see as being useful during the level up journey, but at level 50 the ability to grab Clarion makes it sort of irrelevant.

I am assuming you don't have the resources to pick up Kinetic Combats which is understandable, and which means that I wouldn't advocate you taking Dwarf for set mules.

I can't say it's a good call to put that FF proc in Shadow Blast since Decimation has pretty poor enhancement values already- That can be supplemented by dropping a Nucleolus Exposure or frankenslotting a cheaper Acc/Dam IO in the sixth slot.

Similarly for Unchain Essence, you're not going to benefit as much from the proc as a power like Foot Stomp would because Unchain itself is on such a long recharge that there won't be many chances for the proc to fire. Instead, I would use that sixth slot for a common recharge IO as Positron's Blast is pretty light in that department.

If I were running a Human Only build on your budget I would drop the leaping pool for the Fighting pool and pick up Provoke, tactics, and Vengeance. With 4 slotted Mocking Beratement you would be provided with roughly the same s/l defense as Combat Jumping and it's a very useful power. It's the one thing I wish I could work back into my current build but I would have to make sacrifices I just can't make to do so.

That sort of brings me to my next thing, which is your concept of building up Melee defense. The thing about that is, it seems good on paper, but you have to remember that just because you are standing in melee range, it doesn't mean that only melee attacks are being fired at you.

When I was on a budget similar to yours, I played an MFing style Tri Form shade with about the same s/l defense you've picked up. I recommend going tri form in this price range but that's really personal preference and not to say that playing human only isn't doable.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Heya, I know you are around these forums a lot so I'm sure you're aware of the Nucleolus Exposure slotting method in Eclipse. Any reason you chose not to use it?
Well, put quite simply, I'm not quite sure as to how to get Nucleolus Exposure enhancements

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I think your Orbiting Death and Stamina are both over slotted. You are going to miss Gravitic Emanation and things like Super Jump and Acrobatics aren't build choices I could ever personally get behind. Acro I could see as being useful during the level up journey, but at level 50 the ability to grab Clarion makes it sort of irrelevant.
Orbiting Death is indeed over slotted. I was worried that, unless I slotted it massively, the endurance cost wouldn't be worth the simple minor DoT aura. I've personally never found use for Gravitic Emanation. It does too low of damage for me to like and the root is poor quality. I figured Acrobatics would be a necessary get due to no mez protection at all in human form. Clarion can't be perma'd... can it? If otherwise, I'll definitely drop Leaping.

Edit: Also, I'd like to add that I feel Stamina is slotted just right simply because the amount of endurance drainage I would experience from this build... But if there is a way to escape the endurance drainage other than slotting Stamina massively and getting as much recovery as possible, please do enlighten me
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I can't say it's a good call to put that FF proc in Shadow Blast since Decimation has pretty poor enhancement values already- That can be supplemented by dropping a Nucleolus Exposure or frankenslotting a cheaper Acc/Dam IO in the sixth slot.
True enough... I guess I'm thinking too much from my peacebringer's standpoint. I have the FF proc in my radiant strike and it works wonders. But, considering Shadow Blast is my most reliable single target DPS (meaning it will be up very often), I might need to drop the Decimation and add in Nucleolus Exposure enhancements. But I would definitely like to keep the FF proc if possible, seeing as how I'll use Shadow Blast often.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Similarly for Unchain Essence, you're not going to benefit as much from the proc as a power like Foot Stomp would because Unchain itself is on such a long recharge that there won't be many chances for the proc to fire. Instead, I would use that sixth slot for a common recharge IO as Positron's Blast is pretty light in that department.
Looking over my Unchain Essence, I agree; silly decision. The proc duration and chance just aren't worth the slot. A common recharge suits it much better.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If I were running a Human Only build on your budget I would drop the leaping pool for the Fighting pool and pick up Provoke, tactics, and Vengeance. With 4 slotted Mocking Beratement you would be provided with roughly the same s/l defense as Combat Jumping and it's a very useful power. It's the one thing I wish I could work back into my current build but I would have to make sacrifices I just can't make to do so.
My only concern is this; having no mez protection and being endurance starved. Tactics alone is very costly on endurance. Also, why Provoke? Is there something I don't know about it that makes it useful? And seeing as how I enjoy to feel solo-capable, vengeance would only be useful on a team setting. I like to be self-efficient, so I'd probably overlook vengeance.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
That sort of brings me to my next thing, which is your concept of building up Melee defense. The thing about that is, it seems good on paper, but you have to remember that just because you are standing in melee range, it doesn't mean that only melee attacks are being fired at you.
Also true. As I think about it now, a wide range of evened out defense sounds more suitable.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
When I was on a budget similar to yours, I played an MFing style Tri Form shade with about the same s/l defense you've picked up. I recommend going tri form in this price range but that's really personal preference and not to say that playing human only isn't doable.
I currently have a MFing style Triform. I like the play style, but I'm trying to escape the whole "budget defines what you can play". Human form has always been a far more desirable way to play Kheldians for me. This is simply because I feel like the forms just aren't my play style. Besides, the Black Dwarf is the ONLY form out of both Peacebringer and Warshade forms that actually looks decent in my eyes.

Thanks for your advice, TwoHeadedBoy

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
Well, put quite simply, I'm not quite sure as to how to get Nucleolus Exposure enhancements
Your best bet is the market (search for nucleolus exposure or synthetic nucleolus exposure) but you can also get them from Hamidon and the synthetic equivalents from the STF and LRSF.

Orbiting Death is indeed over slotted. I was worried that, unless I slotted it massively, the endurance cost wouldn't be worth the simple minor DoT aura.
Obliteration is hardly a good choice for reducing endurance use. Frankenslot with Dam/End IO's, it's what I do.
I've personally never found use for Gravitic Emanation. It does too low of damage for me to like and the root is poor quality.
It should be used as a control power, not an attack. You can use it to reposition spread out mobs to optimize your Eclipse and Mire executions and Emanation combined with Inky is insanely powerful, letting you permanently stun groups while you destroy them.
I figured Acrobatics would be a necessary get due to no mez protection at all in human form. Clarion can't be perma'd... can it? If otherwise, I'll definitely drop Leaping.
Clarion can be perma'd.
Edit: Also, I'd like to add that I feel Stamina is slotted just right simply because the amount of endurance drainage I would experience from this build... But if there is a way to escape the endurance drainage other than slotting Stamina massively and getting as much recovery as possible, please do enlighten me
I'm going to quote Dechs on this because I think he gave the best response I've ever seen to this issue:

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
My endurance use on my warshade is hard to quantify, but my endurance gain is something like "Full bar every 12 seconds."
In other words, Warshades kill so quickly and stygian circle is up so often that endurance consumption is hardly an issue. I used some PVP sets in my build to supplement recovery during single target fights, but I wouldn't call that strictly necessary.

True enough... I guess I'm thinking too much from my peacebringer's standpoint. I have the FF proc in my radiant strike and it works wonders. But, considering Shadow Blast is my most reliable single target DPS (meaning it will be up very often), I might need to drop the Decimation and add in Nucleolus Exposure enhancements. But I would definitely like to keep the FF proc if possible, seeing as how I'll use Shadow Blast often.
You wouldn't need to drop the Decimation set, keep the 5 pieces for the recharge bonus and use a Nucleo in the sixth slot.
My only concern is this; having no mez protection and being endurance starved. Tactics alone is very costly on endurance.
I never run tactics because I have all the +tohit I need from Mire, but it's nice to get Vengeance and I 2 slot it with recticles for the easy defense bonus.
Also, why Provoke? Is there something I don't know about it that makes it useful?
It lets you tank for your team mates and keeps your pets alive combined with controls more effectively than anything else. It lets you pull mobs together for self buffs and lets you pull runners back to you. Very valuable.
And seeing as how I enjoy to feel solo-capable, vengeance would only be useful on a team setting. I like to be self-efficient, so I'd probably overlook vengeance.
Warshades are notorious for outliving their team mates. You will get use out of Vengeance, and it also takes an LOTG+ Recharge.
Also true. As I think about it now, a wide range of evened out defense sounds more suitable.
I would say to shoot for s/l instead of Melee, they come hand in hand but if you can get s/l up to 32.5 you'll be able to soft cap it with one small purple effectively making you as survivable as possible against most attacks regardless of their position.
I currently have a MFing style Triform. I like the play style, but I'm trying to escape the whole "budget defines what you can play". Human form has always been a far more desirable way to play Kheldians for me. This is simply because I feel like the forms just aren't my play style. Besides, the Black Dwarf is the ONLY form out of both Peacebringer and Warshade forms that actually looks decent in my eyes.
Stacked Mires and Dark Nova are the best AOE a Kheldian is capable of dishing out. My human form build only started competing with my old Tri Form builds AOE when it procced the heck out of everything with expensive goodies and slotted t4 reactive.

I don't think that budget defines what you can play, but usually when people come to the forums looking for build advice they're looking to get the most out of their character with what they have available to them. I couldn't in good conscience tell people to buy a Mustang that doesn't run when I could sell them a perfectly fine Focus for the same price, if you follow my analogy.



Taking some of your advice, here's what I've come up with;


I'm trying very hard not to copy your build, but rather learn from it and attempt to build upon it with my low end budget. Thanks again for all your advice.

Also, one last thing. I still have yet to have this properly answered; How exactly do you deal with Mez other than clarion? Can Clarion be perma'd? Or is there another way to escaping mezzers. Again, your help is appreciated

Edit: IGNORE MY STUPIDITY!!! I overlooked where you said Clarion could be perma'd. Hehehe ^_^''

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
Taking some of your advice, here's what I've come up with;


I'm trying very hard not to copy your build, but rather learn from it and attempt to build upon it with my low end budget. Thanks again for all your advice.
Cool, I'll look in a little bit. I'm running around Mercy Island on a level 4 controller at the moment.
Also, one last thing. I still have yet to have this properly answered; How exactly do you deal with Mez other than clarion? Can Clarion be perma'd? Or is there another way to escaping mezzers. Again, your help is appreciated
Yep, Clarion is perma at tier 3 so that's the easy way to do it. I still have break free macro's set up for when I fight the feisty types who like to stack mez but nine times out of ten I'm fine with just Clarion. There's also the option of playing very control heavy and proactively stunning the crap out of everything before it has the chance to stun you, but I use my controls only when necessary, mostly as a courtesy to team mates.



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post

Also, one last thing. I still have yet to have this properly answered; How exactly do you deal with Mez other than clarion? Can Clarion be perma'd? Or is there another way to escaping mezzers. Again, your help is appreciated
It looks like THB handled the rest of your questions, but I would like to expand on this bit. I realize you aren't a tri-former, but I think Dechs Guide might help you here. I won't alter the original content, but there is plenty in there that will apply to human-formers.

Originally Posted by MFing Warshade


If you read that and thought "Easy, just go dwarf," then shame on you. You're bad and you should feel bad. Remember what you learned in Phase Three: you are all forms at all times. Thinking any other way limits your options; options are power. There are a hundred ways to deal with mezzing enemies, and dwarf only covers about six of them.

Mez them first. You have Gravity Well, a heavy hitting hold, and the means to single out that mezzer through stealth or TP foe if you took those powers. You also have Gravitic Emanation, one hell of a ranged stun for when there are multiple mezzing enemies. You may also have inky aspect if most or all of the minions are mezzers. If it's a mezzing boss, a healthy stack of stuns from aspect and emanation will do the trick. Unchain Essence can stun too.

Sacrifice Fluffy. You have pets that follow you. Either stealth or teleport past the enemy group and let fluffy take the mez. You might hurt his feelings, but that's fine because he's already a tortured ball of angst you ripped from a whimpering, delectable soul. How much worse can he really feel?

Phase in. I mentioned it has a punitively long activation time, so it doesn't work as an escape, but if you took the power, you can use Nebulous Form before you jump into the group. Toggle it up, run in and let the first volley of attacks on you do nothing. Wait for the mezzer to waste that crippling shot, then toggle off and wreck his day with your own hold or stun combo.

Kill them first. You have some very heavy hitting attacks from nova, especially if you carry a mire from the last mob. In fact, I've even run ahead to the next mob to saturate a mire, only to run back in nova and feed the mezzer his teeth. Yet another option is to open up with a (mired) Quasar.

Get inspired. Seriously, you have inspirations. You should be killing so many enemies that you will have trouble keeping an empty tray. Either a break free or a few purples should keep you mez free long enough to kill two full groups of enemies. Please look here for some handy methods to making the inspirations you want.

Wait it out. Generally, this is a bad idea, but you can always just wait for the mez to wear off. Maybe you don't want to waste time shifting into dwarf and then back into nova. Maybe you simply want to cackle madly while the enemies feebly attack your stunned yet impervious body, all the while getting pelted by your three floating furious fluffy friends. Eclipse is not a toggle, so the resistance it grants will not suppress while you are mezzed.

Die. Ha, you probably think I'm kidding. Little hint: Mez and debuffs go away when you die, and Stygian Return gives you ten full seconds of glorious, unhindered retribution.



I'm glad you quoted that, Stone. It's been much too long since I've read the MFing Warshade. I think it might be the best guide written in COH history, and I'd still be saying that if Dechs wasn't my friend.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I'm glad you quoted that, Stone. It's been much too long since I've read the MFing Warshade. I think it might be the best guide written in COH history, and I'd still be saying that if Dechs wasn't my friend.
Dechs' guide is certainly my favorite for a particular AT...and it just so happens it's a shade.

But, I like Stone's guide too. It has a more broad appeal.


Power to the Players!...Oh, wait, that is already taken...



Actually, I originally was a triform warshade following Dechs seriously epic guide. I just needed a change. Triform is fun and all, but I like taking the human form challenge.

"They called me crazy, but I'm not crazy! I'll show them!" (My mentality)

All joking aside, thanks a lot for the advice. It's all very much appreciated. Let me know what you think of the new build I linked above, THB. You're input is invaluable, considering the epicosity that is your 'Shade.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...