BS/WP or Spines/Regen?




Hey guys on one of my accounts i have a 48 broad sword/willpower scrapper that is pretty fun to play on and i have a 44 spines/regen that is fun to play on, so my question is even though its my choice i'd like help making the choice=p Which one would be more fun/worth it to get to 50? i have 2 slots left fr unlocks right now i have unlocked- 50-eng/eng blaster. 50 fire/kin troller. 50-ice/ss tanker. so either spines regen or broadsword willpower, then the next question i know its not under scrapper but i'll just ask anyways, so for my last unlock token, should i use on a 50-stone/fire tanker. 50-sonic/mental blaster. 50-gun/fire blaster. so out of those three which would you think i should have? i know some are completely different haha, but in your opinions i have 2 slots left so which of the scrappers and which of these 3? i have many other toons close to 50 but none are really fun in my opinion except my dual blades/SR project i was making before i quit. so help/suggestions is greatly appreciated, thanks guys/girls=]



I would do spines/regen or dark melee/regen on a Scrapper

The other 3 are a bit all over the place. Try a dark/dark toon like a blaster or defender...I have a dark/dark defender and I enjoy him way more than any blasters I have played and he does some serious damage too

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



thanks maxxxx, hahaha i just realized that was you, its @Energy Alien =] hopefully i'll see you on tomorrow!