Annotated MoM Videos (contains spoilers)
MoM definitely is the king (queen?) of trials with bizarre mechanics. Just to build on this thread, here is the strategy we used for obtaining MoMoM, which we have done with both 8 and 16 person leagues.
Due to the rez mechanic in this trial, most of our regular group brings a lot of awakens (sometimes in e-mail) and we always make sure to have people with rez powers/barrier rezzes/etc.
Phase 1 - There is nothing overly strange here, except for the purple patches which grow in size. We lovingly call them the "Venn Diagrams of Pain" when they overlap. Lore pets can be useful here because they appear to be immune to the patch damage. Fliers need to be careful of creating head-height patches. Generally, the easiest way to avoid the patches is to watch the timer and just start moving in any direction when there's a couple seconds left. The patches last 20 seconds and spawn every 30 seconds, giving you a 10 second patch-free window for rezzing and other such things. No one is allowed to ever use a Des rez until it is clear there is enough time to finish the phase irrespective of timer depletion.
Phase 2 - The storm voids are tauntable, but appear to irrevocably lose aggro once knocked away. We go with a no KB rule (including pets with KB) and just have one tank responsible for taunting the voids. This is really just a straight forward tank and spank. After this phase, we allow no Lore pets except if time gets tight at the end of phase 4.
Phase 3 - We assign one damage dealer, usually a brute or scrapper, to go through the portal. If we're badging, we may send someone with a heal as well. People with red auras jump away. When there is a blue aura warning, everyone converges into melee range. We ignore the portal health entirely and have never needed more than two. After this phase, we will pause if we feel any used Lore pets won't be recharged by the end of phase 4.
Phase 4 - This is the completely strange phase. No flying - because the ceiling is low and the patches are back. Have a lot of breakfrees, because there's a lot of confusion here. Typically, we pull MM to the statues so that everyone is in position when Shalice spawns. We assign one tank to taunting bosses. Everyone else is on Shalice. No KB and no premature mezzing of boss monsters is allowed. The taunter brings one boss into range and the rest of the team burns it while the taunter then gets the next monster and beats it down to a sliver of health so that it is ready to go. Typically, we can down Shalice using only two or three. The key is making sure Shalice is in the debuff cloud when the boss monster dies, and then we stack as many holds as we can. Be alive when this phase completes, or you don't get the teleport into phase 5.
Phase 5 - We drop Lore pets and when MM says "I AM YOUR DESTROYER!" we pop all our destinies and beat her into a pulp. We usually take about 60-80 seconds. Since the phase is three minutes long, tier 9 defensive "tank" powers can be used right away. Use rezzes on corpses immediately due to the morale mechanic. She seems to get more vicious as her health drops - rock the heal auras and Rebirths.
As a sidenote: the Dreamkiller badge does not require completion to obtain, although one completion is required for the badge counter to appear. So it is possible to farm phase 1 over and over for that one.
There are no hard iTrials, only hard peo-... er... wait.

After this phase, we allow no Lore pets except if time gets tight at the end of phase 4.
That's brilliant. I wouldn't have thought of it. Since there is no timer between phases, you can hang out for a while if you feel there is a big risk of losing.
Phase 3 - We assign one damage dealer, usually a brute or scrapper, to go through the portal. |

Phase 4 - Typically, we pull MM to the statues so that everyone is in position when Shalice spawns. We assign one tank to taunting bosses. Everyone else is on Shalice. No KB and no premature mezzing of boss monsters is allowed. The taunter brings one boss into range and the rest of the team burns it while the taunter then gets the next monster and beats it down to a sliver of health so that it is ready to go. Typically, we can down Shalice using only two or three. The key is making sure Shalice is in the debuff cloud when the boss monster dies, and then we stack as many holds as we can. Be alive when this phase completes. |
Also, is anyone able to describe the "Group Morale" thing in the last fight? I'm not sure what it is or what it does.
That's brilliant. I wouldn't have thought of it. Since there is no timer between phases, you can hang out for a while if you feel there is a big risk of losing.
Interesting. Do you find this works to keep Aurora's HP up? When you see me jump through the portals in the video, it was because her HP started dropping. It is very possible that particular move wasn't what the leader wanted, and maybe I will be in trouble for it now.
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Different and interesting strategy. I didn't know killing the giant monsters near her did anything special. Our team was able to blitz it on sheer DPS, but we were all (at least mostly) 53s.
There are no hard iTrials, only hard peo-... er... wait.

Also, is anyone able to describe the "Group Morale" thing in the last fight? I'm not sure what it is or what it does.
- Morale: At the start of the battle, you suffer a depressed morale that reduces your combat effectiveness. As the battle against Shalice Tilman shifts in your favor, Morale returns. The current state of your League's Morale is displayed in the Incarnate Trial UI.
There are no hard iTrials, only hard peo-... er... wait.

Hi folks,
If a moderator would like to move this post to a more appropriate place, I won't be offended.
) I hope to hear from them.

Not really sure where to put this. It's not really as formal as a "guide," just something I made quickly tonight. However, in an effort to get more people running the newer trials I want to share it, if only to cut down on the time it takes to get the explanations in game.
Anyway, I was guided to victory through the MoM trial by Crux Enigma on Virtue earlier tonight. I happened to film the trial and was able to upload it to YouTube in parts. I thought it might be helpful for people who not yet done the trial who are worried about the mechanics. I aadded some annotations to the video to help explain what is going on--sorry its ugly, but hopefully its functional. If Crux or any other member of the team is out there and would like to make additional comments on strategy (or even what I as a team member did wrong
I haven't had anyone actually review the video, so its possible my statements are wrong in some parts. If anyone sees anything blatantly wrong or missing let me know. There are, of course, spoilers here in.
[I'm also not sure if there is a way to link videos together on YouTube, but if anyone knows how feel free to let me know.]
I hope this is useful to someone.
FYI I also videoed a TPN win. I will annotate and share it as well if there is interest.
Part 1: Initial fight with Malaise and the Nightmare AVs
Part 2: Fight with Penelope Yin
Part 3: Saving Aurora Borealis
Part 4: Final showdown