Some noobish questions about PB

Blood Red Arachnid



After browsing through the forums for a bit, I am seriously re-thinking my Peacebringer build. However, I am not certain about many things, so I have quite a few questions.

#1: What is the minimum requirements to get Perma-Lightform? CoH planner won't work on my computer, so I can only gather so much info from build pages.

#2: Is it worth it to make a human-only build if you are *not* going for a perma-lightform?

#3: Likewise, aside from the benefits of usage in low levels, is there any advantages to Nova/Dwarf form in high levels now?

#4: Has there been any talk of tweaking/buffing/editing the Nova/Dwarf form of PBs?

Thanks for your time.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
After browsing through the forums for a bit, I am seriously re-thinking my Peacebringer build. However, I am not certain about many things, so I have quite a few questions.

#1: What is the minimum requirements to get Perma-Lightform? CoH planner won't work on my computer, so I can only gather so much info from build pages.
Assuming you 3-slot Lightform with lvl 50 Recharge IOs, it's +135% global recharge.

- Hint - You should factor in Hasten's +70% while it's running, and possibly the Spiritual Alpha Incarnate Slot, so don't let the numbers frighten you. My advice is to run tip missions / SSAs and try to stack hero merits, then trade them for 5 LotG +7.5% rech (Luck of the Gambler, a rare defense set IO). Or, on a much cheaper note, 6-slot the inexpensive Kinetic Crash IOs into your attacks for the 7.5% recharge bonus.

#2: Is it worth it to make a human-only build if you are *not* going for a perma-lightform?

- Hint - Unlike, say, perma-domination, Lightform isn't an all-or-nothing power. It's very useful to run even if it's not up all the time. With just 3 lvl 50 recharge SOs and no global recharge at all, it lasts for 90 seconds and recharges in 150, creating a manageable cooldown window of 60 seconds. Add 3-slotted Hasten, and the cooldown window decreases even further. I'm not saying dual-forms isn't more useful at this point, but human form is viable none-the-less.

#3: Likewise, aside from the benefits of usage in low levels, is there any advantages to Nova/Dwarf form in high levels now?

- Hint - Human-only power builds are useful because it allows you to combine 4 things:

. perma-lightform for capped resistances,
. perma-innerlight for a 30% damage bonus with a 100% spike every few seconds,
. perma-boost essence for capped HP,
. the ability to run combat jumping/combat flight/weave/maneuvers to boost your defenses.

That said, aside from the defensive boost you get from running the pool toggles, nothing prevents you from using Hasten, Inner Light, Light Form and Essence Boost in a Nova/Dwarf build. Nova with capped resistances and max HP is pretty sturdy, and can pump respectable amounts of damage by itself. Dwarf has access to auto-hit taunt, making it the preferable tanking form. The problem is that you have to shift out of a form to click the boosts, which is retarded, but if you're familiar with weapon redraw it shouldn't be that different. Also, IMO, Nova/Dwarf dual-form exemplars much better.

#4: Has there been any talk of tweaking/buffing/editing the Nova/Dwarf form of PBs?

- Rule of thumb - Never pick an AT or build based on what you hear might be buffed/revamped in the future, as chances are you'll be disappointed. Instead, look at what's currently on live servers and make a decision on whether or not an AT/build is to your liking.

Thanks for your time.
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