Champion Directory Updated





The champion important links directory has been updated with a new interface (above) that's as far as the limitations of these forums would allow us to go with room to expand if needed, it should now be a more useful resource, and now it could use your help because both the Global channels thread and Super Groups needed to be replaced as they were more archive then useful tool, so the new replacement threads need to be filled with active global channels and your super group information respectively.

So please head over and do so, so our server's information can be easily accessed by newcomers and anyone looking for champions information.

Thank you. :]





I'm glad you like it and hopefully it's more practically useful then the original, but Its_Si shaming me into updating it a couple months ago is the only reason I bothered with it. ;]

It has room to expand if anyone has something to add just post it in that thread or send a pm we'll work up a graphic and pop it on there.